Monday, December 23, 2002

new memories that i have attained from winter getaway 2002:
- peter stuffing his face with a big 'n tasty at mcdonald's
- the mcdonald playplace
- realizing that the guys' place was crap compared to the girls'
- watching an entertaining pillow smashing game
- getting smacked in the face by a flying pillow
- good small group time
- the beautiful sunset
- bible study =P
- VC
- acey-deucey
- rockets game
- the non-stop laughs
- the serene atmosphere of the beach
- the amazing worship
- the applicable lesson of authenticity
- playing football on the beach
- the sandcastle contest
- endless supply of picture and video entertainment
- the powerful time of prayer
- yelling "lawd jesus -- save us!"
- getting the crap scared out of me by johnny
- the christians defeating the romans
- waking up EARLY to serve breakfast
- running around on the beach
- experiencing ankle pains after the "3-legged race"
- stealing gummy bears from the girls
- beating HCC in a "friendly" football game =)
- cramming 6 girls in the front of a car
- cramming 6 guys in the trunk of a car
- listening to alex say "but ho" and other various cantonese phrases
- keepin' it real during sharing time
- the cozy campfire
- millenium edition monopoly

pictures and videos to come..


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