Monday, December 18, 2006

it is time

the semester has come to an end, and what a semester it has been. but even as unbearable as finals week was, i still got the feeling that Fall 2006 was much too short. SO, on that note, this session of is titled "it is time."

it is time for me to blog more. you know, old school style. i thought very hard about making the trecherous switch to xanga. in my mind, i was gonna take that world by storm, cape and all. but then again, xanga's pretty much dead, and i don't feel like working no miracles right now. still a blogger 4 lyfe. so my apologies to you if you have been coming to this site every day and twice on sundays since september 29, just praying for an update. my bad to all 2 of you. for the few of you who have been pleading for a comment system on here, i'm sorry but i haven't worked that out yet. if you are really burning to leave a comment, try facebook. but apparently that is dying as well. ha, my mom leaving me comment on my wall? wouldn't that be something.

it is time to treat next semester as my last. yeah, i know i still have a full year left, but i feel like this past semester went by so quickly because i allowed it to. so what's my plan of attack? not sure specifically yet, but somehow i feel like having to go to work in austin instead of going to class will help my cause. i'm also gonna make sure i'm more methodical with remembering things that happen, probably through a facebook photo album/scrapbook thing with pictures jacked from people, most likely paparazzo amanda moon.

it is time to find out what i can do with my life. sounds like such a daunting task, i guess maybe because it is. thing is, what i've realized this past semester is that i have a lot of specialized knowledge in subjects that don't really have any practical use in everyday, 9-5 life. i can talk/debate/argue for hours about sports of any kind, except maybe anything of the frozen variety, but what good will that do me? sometimes, no, actually all the time, i feel like i could maybe find some niche in the sports business to plug myself into and really, truly enjoy it for the rest of my life. but then again, i could also see myself doing alot of other things. this whole future thing is tough.

okay i feel like i'm just rambling, so i'll bring this post to an end. future posts will have more of a central theme fosho. maybe i'll do it nba playoffs tnt style.

40 posts in 40 nights?


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