Friday, January 11, 2008

the final semester

monday the 14th marks the beginning of the end of what has been an amazing college career. i'm taking 6 hours this semester. 6. SIX. i would jump on the bandwagon and post a picture of my schedule, but i'm pretty sure that would just be rubbing it in. but yeah, that's it. MW 2-5. how amazing is THAT?

unfortunately, it won't be all fun and games, as tomorrow i will begin studying for the CPA exam, which i will be taking this year. and that, my friends, is gonna suck. so in the end, it really all evens out. 6 hours of class + CPA exam = full schedule. maybe not, we'll see. here is a picture of my study materials. doesn't that just make you wanna dive right in and go nerdy?

anyhow, today, on the other hand, was the first day i hit the gym in 3 years. 3 years! when i say "hit the gym," i mean to work out. unfortunately, whenever i had the slightest notion to go lift weights, i would end up just going upstairs and shooting hoops. but alas, this time shall be different. planning on going at least 3 times a week. when will i stop? when you start seeing me walking around campus without a shirt on, then you will know that i am done working out. so i guess there's something for everybody to look forward to.

tickets have been purchased for my los angeles/las vegas spring break trip. all i've gotten back so far are a bunch of "maybe's," so let this be a sign that i'm serious, yo. and you cali folk, suit up. because it's gonna be legen..

wait for it..


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