Sunday, November 03, 2002

ahh..sorry everyone..
i missed a day of blogging!! noooo.. bad. i feel terrible.

but anyways, yesterday was a pretty good day..went to another paycheck for $77.08 (about $7.90 an hour)..
then fellowship was entertaining, but at the same time, it was quite convicting.
*sigh* i needa stop being so lazy and start doing my own cal and eco work..even if it's not for a grade.
keep me accountable on this..for the next month, no cheating (not even hw).

anyhoo, today in the church bulletin..

8. Library: Someone mistakenly dropped three video tapes which belong to "Blockbuster" (New Territory) in the "Book Return" box. Please come to the Library after 12:30 today to retrieve them.

hehehe i thought that was pretty funny..
well, thats all for now. gtg do some cal hw!!
note: statements posted in this blog are not as enthusiastic as they may seem.


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