Tuesday, December 31, 2002

hey everyone who reads this:

if you havent noticed already, i got a new commenting system!!

basically it all comes down to this:
i know most of you people are not going to take the initiative to take 2 minutes to sign my dreambook every so often..
SO, instead, i have got this new commenting system, where below each of my posts there is a link, where you can drop me a line saying anything ranging from:
1. "haha that's funny"
2. "man..you're gay"
3. "jeez..i don't know you any more"..

see how useful this is?

it lets me know some stuff about my blog's visitors, such as:
1. who exactly visits this place on a consistent basis
2. what you people find amusing, disgusting, stupid, etc
3. what cool people i have as friends

hm, that last one doesnt make much sense..but i hope you understand what im trying to say.

well, its almost 3:30 AM, so i guess its time to go.

PS if you can't locate the link, its the underlined word below each of my posts that reads Shout Out.


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