Saturday, December 28, 2002

today was pretty good..

went to sweetwater country club after i worked on some college essays, and my cousin and i got to shoot around with kenny smith.
pretty cool, eh?
..don't act like you don't know who kenny smith is.

anyways, i got back from my parents' fellowship dinner party about 20 minutes ago..
the kids started watching the rockets game, but after dinner, at about 8:30, we went upstairs to.. guessed it: play mahjong.

we ended up playing until 12:35 AM, when it was finally time to go.
i got so caught up in the game that i forgot that i was gonna go get a much-needed haircut tonight, but i guess it's all good.

hehe me and my brother got a sudden urge to burn stuff, so being the pyromaniacs that we are, we took a box of kleenex's and a box of matches into the garage, and just starting lighting it up.
pretty soon there was a strong smoke stench (notice the alliteration), and we decided to call it quits.
the next thing we know, my dad walks into the garage, and hes like "whats that smell? is something burning? what were ya'll doing?"

jason: we were burning stuff.
dad: why?? that's dangerous.
jason: cuz we like fire.
dad: so? why did you burn kleenex's?
jason: cuz there was no more firewood, and we wanted a fire.

hehe well, it's time to.. guessed it again: play mahjong.

peace out, and good night.


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