Sunday, August 10, 2003

He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
and hears me when i call...

learned so many things at camp this year. things about myself, things about God, and things about my friends. i realized i take my friends for granted without even knowing it. i feel so thankful now, knowing that im so blessed to have so many people who i know i can trust with my life. everyone needs true friends who will tell you what's on their mind, even though they may know that it's the last thing you want to hear. i thank all my friends for always being so incredibly willing to listen (no fingernails).

above anything else, i thank God for revealing to me that He always knows what's best. even though my instinct is to take things into my own hands, i know that God's timing is always perfect. had to make a seemingly impossible decision at camp, but i praise God for showing me the right direction to take. it's strange how sometimes the most difficult thing you might ever have to do is nothing at all. i just really discovered what it meant to surrender ALL to Him.

on the second night after the message, we broke up into our small groups. john prayed for the group real quick and decided that we should just walk together in silence and let God speak to each one of us. i had so much on my mind, and so i pulled my visor down to right above my eyes so i wouldn't allow my eyes to wander around and distract me from thinking. so, as i followed john, i couldn't see to my left or my right, all i saw were john's feet in front of me as i walked in silence. then it just hit me. that's EXACTLY how i need to approach my life. sure, it's human nature to want to be in control of a situation, but what i really need to do is just follow in God's footsteps. i didn't know where i was heading or what was coming my way, but i knew that john could see ahead of him. in the same way, only God knows what my future holds, and i just need to trust that He will guide me along the right path.

so, no matter what the future brings, it's reassuring to know that if it's in God's will, if it's meant to be, He'll make it happen. funny how i knew this all along, but now i really take it to heart.


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