Sunday, October 26, 2003

Fear Factor

today's message was quite thought-provoking. pastor gideon continued his series on the "infinite loop" with a message concerning missed opportunities. he said the number one reason why people don't grasp opportunities is because of fear. and then he asked the question that really boggled my mind: "what is your biggest fear?"

what's my biggest fear? pastor gideon gave a couple of examples: loneliness, rejection, living an insignificant life, etc. im not worried at all about becoming a 50-year-old bachelor, nor do i really have too big a fear of rejection or failure, but i think i can kind of relate to having a fear of an "insignificant life." insignificant is a pretty strong word, but i guess what im really afraid of is not knowing what to do with my life. ha, i know, i sound really old when im saying all this, but it's just something that's sorta been on my mind.

ive been praying about it, thinking about it, wondering about it, talking about it, but i've just been thinking: how will i know when i know?

pastor gideon mentioned that the command "do not fear" is in the bible 366 times. so, call me a genius, but im guessing it's important. but essentially, when you think about it, there really isn't any reason to fear, so why fear at all? fear is not a factor =)

Christ has taken care of the past
He is taking care of the present
trust Him to take care of the future

no fear.


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