Tuesday, June 01, 2004

our God is an awesome God

God is faithful.

i just want to share a quick story about last week. when i got back from rec week, i checked my grades online. i found out that i had received a D for ba324h, bringing my GPA for the spring semester down to a 2.87.

big problem. the minimum GPA required to stay in business honors program is a 3.5 for the year, and in order to keep my $5000/year scholarship, i had to have a 3.65. even with a 4.0 for the fall semester, my overall in-class GPA still fell short, equaling a 3.43.

i quickly emailed my professor asking what was going on. he emailed me back, saying that he would look into it to see if there were any mistakes.

a few days passed, and all of a sudden, it was friday morning, the day before i was leaving for hong kong. i got a letter in the mail from BHP, basically saying that i was going to get kicked out because of my GPA unless i appealed by june 7.

i started to panic. i made about 782930482 calls wasting 2890348923980423 minutes. half of the calls were made to try to get a hold of my professor; the other half were to various people asking for prayer.

i then sent about 20 emails to people at UT who might be able to help me out. and then i just waited.

7 pm, i checked my email again, and my professor had replied to my emails! however, instead of telling me that he would bump me up to at least a C so that i would be able to stay in BHP like i had told him, he merely sent me all of my grades that he had on his computer.

i took a couple minutes to calm myself and promptly called his cell phone. after speaking with him for about 5 minutes, he agreed to give me a C, bringing my GPA to a 3.53!

a few minutes later, i checked up on my scholarship, and i found that the GPA requirement is also a 3.5!

so, after countless phone calls, several emails, and dozens of prayers, God showed that my trust in Him was worthwhile.

this whole thing kind of reminds me of the well-known bible story of Jesus calming the storm (matthew 8:23-27)..

Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!"

what kind of man is this? this "man" is my God =)

to everyone who prayed for me, thank you so much. i really appreciate it. take care.


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