Monday, December 20, 2004

tis' the season

okay okay. i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry. blog, please forgive me for the neglect. i promise i'll be better from now on.

thanks to some complaints concerning the lack of attention that i've been giving to my blog, most recently yesterday by kelley lou, here is the long-awaited update that all of you (or at least some of you) have all been waiting for. now you have no excuse about not having "anything to do."

oh, and get comfortable, this is gonna be one of them lengthy ones.

so yet another semester of college has come and gone. sigh. it's weird, i can't really describe it, but i feel like i'm in some sorta human scrapbook or something. and whoever's reading through the book and sifting through all the pictures and memories that make up my life needs to SLOW THE HECK DOWN!! you hear me?!? life's still passing by way too fast..

so you ask, what do i have to show for myself after my 3rd semester at the university of tejas? well, ma'am/sir, i'm glad you asked.

the academic side of things has been a breeze. wait, i take that back. that sounds too easy. it's been somewhat of a struggle, as always, trying to manage my time accordingly, but in the end, i've come out on top with a 4.0, so hey, i must be doing something right.

ok enough with the grades, let's see, what else is there? physically? i feel healthy. i guess that counts as something, right? well i've decided on something. here it is..

JONATHAN MOK WILL ABSTAIN FROM EATING FRIED FOOD UNTIL HIS 21ST BIRTHDAY. sorry i had to refer to myself in the 3rd person like that, but i thought it would add emphasis to the statement. i know most of you are probably thinking to yourselves, "what? but you don't eat anything OTHER than fried food!" that's where you're wrong, my friend. it'll be hard, but in the end, i think it'll be worth it. for my body's sake, at least. bye bye french fries..hello mr. vegetable.

also on the physical side of things, i've added about 7 pounds. muscle or fat? what do you think?

let's see..spiritual? quiet times have been on and off. mostly on, so that's good. thanks to peter, i've started on a "one-year bible" thing. unfortunately, i left that in my dorm room =\ BUT rest assured, i'm still doing my daily devotions down here in S land.

my first semester as a AACM small group leader has gone okay. i guess for the real scoop you'll have to ask one of my sg kids. i must admit that i haven't been the most devoted of leaders, so my apologies, guys. i promise to shape up next semester. but thanks for a great semester nonetheless.

and yes, just so no one will blame me later for not telling them, i am dating someone -- miss lina hsieh. and please, for the love of my sanity, stop threatening to "tell on me" whenever i joke around or something. i can't even count how many times i've heard the phrase "oOoh i'm telling lina!!" in the past month. you guys know who you are.

oh and just in case you may ask, my break so far has been fantastic. i've slept much more than is probably humanly possible in the past week, and i've gotten to spend some quality time with friends and family back here at home. just yesterday (sunday night) was the fbcc musical! it went great. for all of you guys who saw alex fan and i act like complete idiots, i hope it made you smile. or laugh. WITH us, of course.

so that's all for now. actually this post wasn't as long as i had feared, but it's alright. you are now caught up with jonathan mok's life. for the most part.

happy holidays!! =)


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