Tuesday, March 29, 2005

rez week

if you haven't checked it out already, go check out rez week in front of gregory gym sometime this week. there's music and speakers at night from 7-9, and there's also a lot of artwork and a huge bulletin board type thing that's definitely worth your time.

one thing that caught my eye on the board is the question: why do you HATE christians?

here are some of the responses i read:

i hate it when christians act perfect and self-righteous

don't want to show they have weaknesses/sin consuming their lives

i hate it when christians feel the need to push their agendas and beliefs on other people who may or may not agree or want to think about what they have to say

we have become so comfortable in our faith in america. we are not desparate for Christ as we say we should be

some of this stuff is so true. the rest may just be certain people's perspectives, but i'm so glad that they took the time to write it all down. sometimes it takes something like this to get people to open their eyes. being christian does not make me more perfect. it doesn't mean that i don't have weaknesses or struggle with sin. instead, i am declaring that i need Jesus because i was a slave to sin. and yes, i agree that many times we as christians enter into relationships with people for the sole or main purpose of witnessing to them, and by doing this, we tend to view non-christians more as numbers or opportunities instead of real...people. and i definitely agree wholeheartedly with the last statement -- i think that's our number one problem. we are simply too comfortable.

anyways, just take some time this week to check it out; you won't regret it.

btw, i've decided to take off the commenting system on my blog. i've been thinking about it for a while, and i don't really know why i had it on there in the first place. i realized that i only write on this blog for 2 reasons:

1. to jot down my thoughts, as sorta a daily journal
2. to share with other people what i'm going through

unfortunately, sometimes i found that i would be more interested in who commented or how many comments i got than why i was blogging in the first place.

so i guess what i'm trying to say is my hope for this blog is a chance to share with you, whoever you may be, the happenings of my life, the wanderings of my mind, and the concerns of my heart. if you read through my blog and it accomplishes the task of relieving your boredom, then the time i spent writing was well worth it. if you read something and wish to discuss the topic with me, then i'd love to talk to you. if you read through one of my posts and think to yourself, "wow, i'm glad i read that," then praise God.

well i can't really think of a good way to cap this post off, so i'll leave you picture-happy people with this photo of my new recycling box thanks to johanna:


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