Thursday, June 16, 2005

scandinavia trip

12 days of much-needed vacation time on the other side of the globe. what happened? let's see..

well, they say pictures are worth a thousand words, so this post is gonna be over 3,000 words long.

no one knew who this guy was, but then again, no one really seemed to care. fobby ignorant tourists..

jumping into a freakin' cold lake before shutting myself in a nearby sauna -- crazy swedish style.

this was at a public park where all the statues were nude for some reason. i finally convinced jason to just do it. no shame, right? especially not in a foreign country where no one could possibly identify you.

well, they also say that actions speak louder than words, and while that phrase may not fit this situation at all, i don't care.

there was some sort of national holiday in sweden, and we just so happened to be in downtown in a major town, so there was a royal procession that day. apparently, the king and queen were on their way, so i decided to do my part in celebrating their upcoming arrival.

on that note, i'm back home! time to figure out what's happened in the world in the past 2 weeks..


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