Thursday, August 21, 2003

so the other day when i was busting out with my creativity skills in an attempt to think of a crazy awesome new aim screenname, i think of trying "jonathan mok" as an sn. yeah, EXTREME CREATIVITY, baby. so i type it in, and to my confusion, it said that someone else already had that sn. boggles your mind, doesn't it? i mean, i know it's an awesome name and all, but how many people could be so creative as to think of it?

then yesterday rolls along, and as usual, i go into hotmail to check my email. and in my junk mail folder, im skimming along and i see this email from "jonathan mok." it didn't surprise me too much, cuz ive gotten them before from various email addresses trying to spam stuff or whatever, but the subject was "i was born first."

so im curious and i decide to read what's inside...

Wsup Jonathan, decided to put my name in Google search and i came up with your photo book. Although i don't know you, i feel that since you share my first and last name i should share that another you exist. I am in NYC and 25 yrs of age, Chinese.

Laterz MOK!


but anyways, everyone's starting to pack up their things for college. it really does feel so strange cause, using annie's words, "it's like you're packing your life away." how true. just seeing all my clothes piled on my bed, it seems like im going on some sorta month-long vacation or something. but then again, maybe that's what college will feel like: just one long vacation. hehe eric chan and i would always joke around in calculus class last year about how we needed a paid vacation, so i guess this is what i get =P

oh here's TODAY'S act of intelligence by a college-freshman-to-be:
littlecanoe4111: have you packed your comp yet?



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