Monday, September 29, 2003

oh jonathan MOK? i've heard about you...

welcome to college. every day brings forth new and wonderful opportunities to meet new and interesting people. i must say that i have gotten quite used to attaching names to faces, so thank God for that. however, one thing that kind of bothers me a bit, well, i wouldn't say it bothers me, cuz that's quite a strong word with quite a negative connotation, but let's just say it surprises me whenever i introduce myself to someone as "jonathan" or "mok" or "jonathan mok" and the person already seems to have "heard about me."

i don't know what it is over here, maybe it's the food or the weather or whatever, but im having a bit of trouble reading people's minds over here. so whenever i hear someone say something like that, i never know whether it's a good sign or a bad sign.

with a slight hint of hesitation, i always question, "what exactly have you heard about me?" and the replies vary from "oh, i just heard you're really fast" to "oh, i just heard you're pretty smart" to "oh, i just heard you're from fbcc." but i guess the most confusing replies are the ones that are lacking in words. for instance, when the person just smiles and shrugs, or when he/she just shakes his/her head and walks away.

..heh, im j/k. that last reaction hasn't happened (yet), but it just makes me think: what kind of impression do i give people? in a world where first impressions sometimes make all the difference, does the way i act portray the image that i want to give people?

the thing that astounds me the most is when people say they already knew i was a christian before i told them. i used to think, "no, that's not possible. they're just saying that." but now that i think about it, i believe that it's essential that i demonstrate God's presence in my life through whatever im doing.

im not entirely sure how that really works yet, but trust me, im gonna figure it out soon enough.


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