Wednesday, September 10, 2003

thanks, but no thanks...but still, thanks

to go or not to go, that is the question. and of course, "go" is the answer. what im referring to, if you havent figured it out already, is whether or not i should attend class. i mean, dont get me wrong, i havent gotten to such a point where im too lazy to step out of my dorm room and go to class, but with certain courses, its just starting to seem a bit pointless. for half of my classes (philosophy, economics, & MIS), all the professor does in class is read off of her powerpoint presentations. so whats my point, you ask? well, these considerate people have also made their powerpoint presentations available online to download, so basically during class, the only good the professor is doing is demonstrating his ability to read. no offense, but im pretty sure college students have no problem of reading the slides themselves. but then again, i cant say im complaining about such a convenient asset. so all in all, i guess i dont really know what im trying to say.

so what else is new, eh? =P


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