Monday, October 13, 2003

I may not know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future

so i don't know what im gonna major in. so i don't know what i want to do after i graduate. so i don't know where im gonna be in 10 years. so i don't know what im gonna do with my life.

so what?

to put it simply, im tired of hearing all this talk about different majors and career paths. i mean, for everyone who already knows precisely what they want to do with their life in their freshman year in college, more power to you. but as for me, i have no idea why anyone would think that i would already know which area of business i would be interested in without having even taken a single real business class.

is there something wrong with me? am i not doing something i should be doing?

i don't think so. i've been praying for God to give me a direction in my life ever since stepping foot on UT campus, and i will continue to do so until i receive an answer. there is not a single doubt in my mind that He will reply, cuz i mean, our God is a faithful God, is He not? and plus, only His timing is perfect, right?



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