Monday, November 10, 2003

pop that bubble

yesterday from 1-5, i volunteered at the salvation army with my group from my business class.

i helped make ice tea. i assisted in sorting out the good oranges from the bad ones -- the "bad ones" being the oranges that were so covered in mold that at first glance, you could have no possible idea that the object was even a fruit. i had the privilege of scrubbing and washing the huge oven/stove thing after all the food had been cooked. i had tons of fun sliding around in the pool of grease that was on the floor. i welcomed many people and helped to serve dinner.

overall, volunteering yesterday was an awesome experience. the only possible negative result was that helping out at the salvation army brought about some major "atlanta nostalgia." ever since the start of this school year, i've been trying to get into contact with darren king, a good friend i met while i was staying at blood 'n fire. it's frustrating not being able to get into contact with him, but hey, im sure i'll reach him sooner or later, right?

hm, well, back to my point. i was just talking with my classmates after we volunteered, and i realized that for some of them, it was the first time that they had ever come into such close contact with this kind of situation. just hearing some of their remarks after the experience made me realize the importance of things like volunteering, community service, and mission trips.

without any of these experiences, you never get a chance to really see life outside of your nice "suburban life" bubble. you never see how things are on the other side of the picture.

well, that's just my two cents for today. it's time for small group!


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