Wednesday, June 23, 2004

so what's there to do in Japan?

hm, nothing much.

but it was still pretty fun. here are some pictures. with CAPTIONS! get excited.

so we took some bus to go to some place to get some view of the famous mount fuji. unfortunately, when we got there, we realized that this time of the year, the mountain is almost always covered with clouds. so, we were left to do other things to amuse ourselves. this was outside some store.

we rode a cable car to the top of this place. see that view behind us? yeah, somewhere back there is supposed to be mount fuji. =\

yeah, for some reason, there were random animals everywhere..

this one is my favorite =)

this is the cable car.

now this guy was just mest up. my brother took a short video of him too if you wish to see it. he is sitting on top of one of those crane games. you know, the ones where you pay 50 cents to try to grab some stuffed animal or whatever? yeah they have tons of them over in japan. this guy just kept screaming in some unknown language (japanese) and trying to get people to walk into the arcade. personally, he scared the poo outta me.

so i left hong kong with the detroit pistons up 3 games to 1 against the lakers, and i had been searching everywhere for some news of what was going on in the sports world. and God sent me brian shaw, who plays for the lakers. haha yep, i ran into him at japan. man, he's a lot taller than i expected. so he told me the lakers lost in 5 games. oh boohoo. ah well, i guess that makes ONE person i like on the lakers now..

haha i like this picture too. when we were taking it, i didn't know my sister was doing the same thing i was. i laughed for like 5 minutes straight when i saw it, i'm not sure why.

we stayed in some baller hotel for one night called "prince hotel." we found this bench in a building across the street. pretty tight, huh?

man, talk about THUG.

we heard some random japanese rapping coming from like, 2 miles away, so here's me freestylin' in tokyo. oh btw, i am standing on top of some pillar, facing one of the busiest streets in the city. haha it was funny watching people's faces as they would drive by. but hey, i'm never gonna see them again anyways, right?

alright. hope you enjoyed the short slide show. i'll just leave you with a quick peek at a couple of my friends.

so i try to catch up with cynthia..

mok says (1:12:00 AM): so howve you been
smoOchamoOmoO (1:12:00 AM): gnite

talk about a conversation killer.

and then there's always xiao..

HeyLookItsXiao: i'm gonna own u when u sleep next yr
HeyLookItsXiao: hand in warm water everyday

what would i do without this guy?


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