Thursday, February 01, 2007


how bout dem rockets?

all you houston people, if you haven't already done so, just go ahead and hop on the bandwagon now. that way, you'll be able to look down upon the later bandwagoners once the playoffs start.

so tomorrow is my last day working here in monroe. oh btw I learned something new today. monroe is pronounced "mun-row" and not "mon-row." crazy, huh?

anyways, like i was saying, tomorrow's my last day, so tonight we went out to a nice restaurant for my farewell dinner. i really appreciated it, actually. everyone came out for dinner, even this one lady who never joins us for dinner. i felt quite loved.

there's alot of little things I'm going to miss about this place. the people, of course. the food, no doubt. most of all, probably the entire atmosphere. easy-going, yet hard-working. it's an interesting mix.

but one thing I'm looking forward to at my new engagement? 40-hour weeks.

anyways, going home this weekend. deuce.


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