Sunday, December 14, 2003

randomness everywhere wowzA!!

im just gonna warn you guys now. im a little out of it at the moment, so..wait. scratch that. im REALLY out of it right now. haven't slept in about 36 hours? so bear with me as my mind unwinds..

finals week. the stress was unbelievable. the workload was unbearable. and yes, the lack of sleep was..enjoyable? wait no! well, yeah. i guess? 4 finals in 4 days = 2 all-nighters. wow. and it only took me one semester to figure that out. but it's all good, cuz i haven't gotten a B yet! *knocking on wood..haha but in all seriousness, i was quite worried about the status of my grades, since 1/2 of my classes were borderline A's and B's and i need at least a 3.5 gpa..but now that i don't have to worry about THAT anymore..*DEEP SIGH* huge thanks to everyone who spent just a few minutes praying for everyone's finals :)

so im home now. thanks again emily for the ride home! haha i think i may have conked out in the car for about 30 minutes at a time, all the way home. so we pull up to my street, point at my house, and notice 32895930298 cars parked in front of it. partAY? hahaha yes. this party was off da hizzle fo shizzle. i mean, off da hook! nono, off da CHAIN! hahaha maybe not, but it sure was a nice potluck dinner.

i walked through the front door, and the first person i see is jean EE.

me: hi jean EE!
jeen EE: oh, jonathan! i like your hair! you look very handsome!
me: uh...thanks!

yes, that was quite interesting. haha that was actually the LAST thing i expected anyone to say to me. (by that, of course, i mean the "i like your hair" part. not the "you look very handsome" part, b/c as we all know, that's just a given) =P

anyways, had an awesome time just chilling and talking with jon lai and mandy. it never ceases to amaze me how awesome mandy's attitude is. i mean, forreal. i have never seen her without a smile on her face. :)

lala so jon lai and i decide to go watch matrix revolutions. however the weight of my head was still too heavy for my liking, so i set up a haircut appointment real quick, and before he even knows what hit him, jon lai is driving me there.

decision day. or, night. er whatever. so what to do with my hair..i finally decided i wanted to go for the "Hong Kong look." you guys know what im talking about, right? you know, that hair style where you do something with it, but it doesnt look like it? like, it's obvious you did SOMETHING to your hair, but then, it's just running wild and spiking in every direction? ok. does ANYBODY know what im talking about?? cuz mrs. teng sure didn't...

mrs. teng: so how do you want me to cut it?
me: hm. i want the "Hong Kong look"
mrs. teng: ...what's the hong kong look?
me: running wildly, unevenly, but still looking good?
mrs. teng: *confused look* vincent! come over here!
(mrs. teng's son shows up. he also has a confused look on his face)
mrs. teng: *grabbing son's hair* you want it like this?
me: um..not really. i want..ah, never mind. just shave the sides and trim the top a bit.
mrs. teng: bring a picture next time!

haha ok. so next time, say, about 2-3 weeks? remind me to find a picture of this hong kong look that im talking about. *sigh maybe i should just bring her a picture of vaness from know. just to see her reaction. haha or maybe jay chou would do the trick.

after haircut was matrix time. and for all you "matrix-revolutions-haters" out there, you guys be trippin'. i mean, forreal. don't hate. that was a good movie. i would use the word "awesome" to describe it, except the ending was absolutely disappointing. and also, sorry, but someone's got to say it. that little girl in that movie can not act. at all. i should have gotten her role. i can be just as cute, AND i can act. ;)

so all in all, i had a nice date with jonathan lai. *blushes i think i may actually be falling for him.

JUST KIDDING. *sigh im gonna regret writing this entry later on, aren't i? ah well. good night! church tomorrow! and then ball! WOW A WHOLE MONTH OFF OF SCHOOL!! =)


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