this post is dedicated to informing you, the reader, of some of the changes that are happening in both my life and the world that we live in.
with the emergence of spring break, my internship with kpmg has come to an abrupt end, which means no more cash flow entering my wallet for a while. yesterday was mmy first day of class in quite a while as i discovered that i do in fact still remember how to get to the business school.
as far as work goes, i am contemplating over whether or not to accept a job offer for kpmg houston, which would start after i graduate next year. oh and since i am no longer working, this blog will no longer be "updated every workday. usually" to "calm down i will update this thing whenever i get the chance or whenever i have something to post, whichever comes first."
going back to school is great. not really, who am i kidding. 3 hours of class each day monday through thursday is not exactly the dream scenario, but i'll live. it's just super tiring sitting in the same seat for 3 hours at a time. hm, i wonder how i survived work life, working 8-12 hours at a time..?
oh and i don't know if i missed the memo or what, but where the heck did the periodicals section of the PCL go? what's going on back there? i guess i haven't been in a while, but for some reason or another i ventured into perry casteneda's domain this afternoon only to find the entire section blocked off. i felt so lost, so..betrayed. i knew going to the library was and always will be a mistake.
then i tried to go to j2 piano lounge to do some studying, but little did i know that apparently that place also doubles as an oven for baking cookies. i was there for less than 5 minutes and i swear i saw people using it as a sauna.
so i decided to give up on the whole "studying" thing and just walk home. as i strolled past the st. austin's catholic school behind guadalupe, i once again overcame the urge to go own up in their daily game of dodgeball. or maybe i was just distracted by their new unis.
(quick story. last semester i took cms306m, which is a speech class. whenever i hadda give a speech, i also had to dress up. problem is i didn't have any dressy clothes up here in austin. so i borrowed a shirt here, a pair of pants there, you know, just trying to mix and match to the best of my ability. one day i borrowed hao's red shirt, and jonle's khaki pants, and all was well except the clothes weren't exactly the best fit. then i ventured into jester and some mean girls mentioned that i looked like a kid from st. austin's.)
maybe the school is like the nba where they have special days that they wear alternate jerseys, or maybe throwback jerseys for the old school st. austin's look, but today all the kids were wearing white shirts! it was nuts! if they had't have been caged into that asphalt playground, i wouldn't have been able to tell any of them apart from some really small UT freshmen.
have i been gone too long? has everything changed? what's going on?
oh and speaking of changes..
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