well well well..here it is at last. day before SAT..damn that time went fast..
...hey it rhymes..haha awesome =)
hehe well, in "preparation" aka "last-minute cramming" for the SAT, i d/l a mini-test off of www.collegeboard.com.
after it finished d/l-ing..i opened it, installed it, etc..
and then, before i could take the test, it asked me several questions bout my study habits and stuff, and which SAT i was plannin on taking, etc..
finally, after finishing the mini-questionnaire..it told me this:
At the current rate, you are not going to meet your study goal. You've spent 0 hours studyin so far. With 0 weeks until the exam and at a rate of 1 hrs/wk, you will only reach a total of 0 hours.
*sigh* well i guess im ready then.