Friday, July 02, 2004

mok says: yo
FATSIM0N: hey man
FATSIM0N: long time no see
FATSIM0N: u leaving for scotland today?
mok says: yep..
mok says: 30 minutes
FATSIM0N: tiiite
FATSIM0N: say high to scott for me
mok says: ...

Thursday, July 01, 2004

carmen sandiego

please excuse the randomness of this post. thank you.

so i'll just start off by saying that the IKDG series has come to an end. to all of you who actually read through all the notes and excerpts, congratulations! i hope it got you interested in buying the book, or at least quenched your boredom for a few minutes. i've decided not to include PART IV of "i kissed dating goodbye" for various reasons.

1. my fingers are tired.
2. i basically underlined/highlighted the entire section.
3. you should read it yourself! =)

so there you have it. after reading through this book and making all these notes, i can honestly say that i have found this book quite beneficial. it has definitely changed my perspective on many aspects of dating, but as for my sure stance on the subject, i'm still trying to figure that out. a friend of mine also recommended me read a couple different books, so i guess that's next on my to-do list.

so anyhow, onto a lighter subject. here it is:

now can ANYBODY argue with that? man, talk about meant to be.

i guess this is somewhat of a midpoint for summer, so i suppose a short reflection is necessary. well, this summer has been nothing short of AWESOME so far. let's touch on all the bases:

rec week - =)
hong kong - =)
china - =)
japan - =)
sugar land - =)
fort worth - =)
plano - =)

you get the idea. it's been good to see that everyone is basically as busy as can be. summer school, internships, vacation, jobs, you name it. that's what summer's for, right? right.

so i'm packing. again. for what seems like the 42908th time this summer, i am preparing to go on a trip. this time it's to london and scotland. how do i feel? a bit nervous, but excited at the same time. you ever get that feeling? where you can't wait for tomorrow to come, but you can still feel the butterflies in your stomach?

i mean, i'm sure this is going to be a great experience, but then reality hits me in the face. it's still 5 weeks. sigh, that seems like so long right now.

oh yeah, quick story. so after lunch today, i told alex, peter, phil, and xiao that it is currently about 40 degrees in scotland, to which xiao replies with a bewildered look on his face: CELSIUS?


God really does have a sense of humor. just look at xiao. justtt keeeddeeennnggg, buddy.

anyhoo, i've been trying to see whether or not i will have internet connection at my dorm, but i have yet to receive any word about the matter. i'll just keep my fingers crossed on that one.

however, i WILL have internet access at the school computer lab, but it closes at 5 PM, which, i believe, is 10 or 11 AM over here. so if you don't see my on AIM for a while, you'll know why -- YOU'RE NOT WAKING UP EARLY ENOUGH.

jk. but if you want, you can check up on this thing to see what i'm up to. and emails ( never hurt either ;) thanks to everyone who sent me an email when i was in hong kong. really brought a smile to my face =)

alright that's all for now.

to everyone in summer school over here, study hard!

to everyone on vacation, have fun!

to everyone going away on missions, i'll be praying!

to everyone working, don't get fired!

see you guys in august -- take care!

Sentrosi2: let's go to edinburgh luggage-less
mok says: good idea
Sentrosi2: but i'll let you try it out first
Sentrosi2: and see how well it turns out
Sentrosi2: and if it's a success
Sentrosi2: i'll do it then
mok says: -_-

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Building a New Lifestyle

9. Starting with a clean slate
Five important steps for getting on track with God’s plan

1) Start with a clean slate.
2) Make your parents your teammates.
3) Establish clear guidelines.
4) Check to see who’s whispering in your ear.

I remember talking to a girl at my church who commented on how dissatisfied she felt after watching romantic movies. “It makes me wonder, ‘Why doesn’t that happen to me?’” she said.

Does anything in your life cause that kind of discontentment? If so, then maybe you need to consider cutting out some things. Maybe you need to stop reading romance novels and watching soap operas because they encourage ungodly longings within you. Perhaps you need to turn off the radio because much of today’s music exalts a false definition of love. You might need to tune out some of your favorite TV shows because they mock your beliefs about purity. Whatever tempts you toward discontentment or compromise, don’t put up with it. Tune it out. Turn it off.

5) Season your convictions with humility.

10. Just friends in a just-do-it world
Keys for keeping youor relationships with the opposite sex out of the “romantic zone”

Gentlemen, are you the kind of friend to the girls in your life that you will one day hear from their husbands, “Thank you for being a brother to my wife”?

1) Understand the difference between friendship and intimacy.
2) Be inclusive, not exclusive.
3) Make a priority of same-sex friendships.

Building strong friendships with other men in my church has helped me to grow in my love for God. We meet several times a month both for fun and for serious discussion. They know the areas in my life where I struggle with sin. They keep me accountable. They pray for me and encourage me in my faith. I do the same for them. Their friendship provides something that no girl – not even a wife – could. The same is true for women. Your friendships with other women will provide a unique form of encouragement and support that guy friends just can’t offer.

4) Seek opportunities to serve, not be entertained.

But when we shift our relationship orientation from entertainment to service, our friendships move from a focus on ourselves to a focus on the people we can serve. And here’s the incredible thing: In service we find true friendship. In service we can know our friends in a deeper way than ever before.

Produce before you consume; serve before you seek entertainment.

11. Guard your heart
How to fight the pollutants of lust, infatuation, and self-pity

Proverbs 4:23 tells us, “Above all else, guard your heart.”


You’ve probably experienced it – the constant thoughts about someone who has caught your eye, the heart palpitations whenever that person walks by, the hours spent dreaming of a future with that special someone. It’s infatuation, and I know it well, having experienced it myself!

Many of us have a difficult time seeing infatuation as potentially harmful. But we need to examine it carefully, because when you realy think about it, infatuation can be a sinful response to attraction. Any time we allow someone to displace God as the focus of our affection, we’ve moved from innocent appreciation of someone’s beauty or personality to the dangerous realm of infatuation. Instead of making God the object of our longing, we wrongly direct these feelings toward another human. We become idolaters, bowing to someone other than God, hoping that this person will meet our needs and bring us to fulfillment.

God is righteously jealous for our hearts; after all, He created us and redeemed us. He wants us to focus our thoughts, longings, and desires on Him. He lovingly blesses us with human relationships, but He first calls us to find our heart’s delight in Him.

In addition to diverting our attention from God, infatuation can cause problems for us because it is most often founded on illusion. When infatuated with someone, we tend to build up that person in our imaginations as the perfect guy or girl. We think we’d be happy forever if that person would return our affections. Of course, we can only sustain our silly crush because we’ve substituted fantasy for all the information we lack about the person. As soon as we get to know that person’s true identity and discover that our “perfect” man or woman is human like everyone else, our dreams fade and we move on to a new crush.

To break out of this pattern of infatuation, we must reject the notion that a human relationship can ever completely fulfill us. When we find our hearts slipping into the fantasy world of infatuation, we should pray, “Lord, help me to appreciate this person without elevating him (or her) above You in my heart. Help me to remember that no human can ever take Your place in my life. You are my strength, my hope, my joy, and my ultimate reward. Bring me back to reality, God; ‘give me an undivided heart’” (Psalm 86:11).

My dad likes to say that when you let God be God you can let humans be human. When we place God in His rightful place in our lives, we don’t struggle so much when human relationships let us down. In direct contrast, when we make another human our idol, God can’t be our God.


The second poison that often threatens the purity of our hearts is lust. To lust is to crave something sexually that God has forbidden.

To fight lust in our lives, we have to detest it with the same intensity God does.

We should seek to completely remove lust from our minds. We should pray, “Create in me a pure heart, O God” (Psalm 51:10). Help me to be like Job, who made a covenant with his eyes not to look lustfully at others (Job 31:1). Forgive me for pampering lust in my life; help me to guard against it faithfully. May the “meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord” (Psalm 19:14).

When we evaluate our lives honestly enough to recognize our own lust and see the sorrow it causes God, we’ll want to destroy lust...before it destroys us.


The final pollutant of our hearts is self-pity. In a sense, self-pity is the worship of our circumstances. When we indulge in feeling sorry for ourselves, we turn our focus from God – His goodness, His justice, His ability to save in any circumstance. And as we turn away from God, we cut ourselves off from our only source of hope.

We can so easily allow self-pity to seep into our hearts. When we feel lonely or crave someone to love and be loved by, it seems we have every reason in the world to complain, to sulk angrily because we’ve received a bum deal.

But do we really have reason to complain when we consider the Cross? As I try to follow God’s plan for relationships and as a result forego short-term dating, I’m sometimes tempted to fall into a “martyr” mentality. “Oh, woe is me! Here I am, suffering for righteousness!” What foolishness! In my more objective moments, I imagine God’s response to my self-pity as similar to the message of a popular T-shirt: “Would you like some cheese with your whine?” Spending my time sighing over what I’ve given up doesn’t impress God; obeying Him with joy does.

Self-pity is a sinful response to feelings of loneliness. We don’t sin when we feel lonely or admit a desire for companionship, but we do sin when we use these feelings as an excuse to turn from God and exalt our own needs.

12. Redeeming the time
Making the most of your singleness

My mom uses the phrase ‘hustle while you wait” to express the same idea. If one of us children stands around, picking at food while she cooks dinner, Mom will snap, like a football coach to his players, “Don’t just stand there! Hustle while you wait!” That means set the table, put away groceries, or load the dishwasher; be productive during a lull in the action.

My mom has an intolerance for wasted time. I think god has the same intolerance. He has entrusted us with gifts and talents, and He expects us to guard and use them wisely. Will we give Him a return on His investment in us? Even though we don’t know the next step regarding our romantic relationships, we still have work to do. We have bad habits to get rid of, good habits to develop, and character to build. Let’s hustle!

Yes, we’ll still have a lot of questions – we may not know whom or when we’ll marry. But we must not allow what we can’t know to hinder us from acting on what we do know. And what do we know? We know that we have today to move with resolute energy toward maturity and Christlikeness, a calling of every Christian whether he or she will marry next week or ten years from now.

When we focus on “redeeming the time,” we’ll not only make the most of each moment; we’ll also prepare ourselves for the next season of our lives. Our faithfulness in small things today earns us the right to handle bigger responsibilities down the road.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The Heart of the Matter

5. Looking up “love” in God’s dictionary
Learning the true definition of love

I am, by my own admission, a hopeless romantic. If such a thing is possible, I am in love with being in love.

There’s nothing else quite like it, and if you’ve experienced it, you know what I mean. Being in love is a patchwork of a thousand indescribable moments. Nervous energy runs through your body whenever you think of that special person, which is every waking minute. You lose interest in the dull chores of eating, sleeping, and thinking rationally. You discover that every love song on the radio was written for you. It seems that someone has removed blinders from your eyes and you can see the world full of wonder and mystery and happiness.

I love love. But I’ve come to realize that I don’t really know much about it. Oh, I can tell you all about the warm, fuzzy side of love. I can throw myself into romance with all the passion of Romeo, but in God’s school of true love, I’m afraid I’m still in kindergarten.

To me and other romantics who share a “love for love,” God wants to give us a higher, grander view. He wants to deepen our understanding. Romance can thrill us to our core, but it’s only a small part of true love. We’ve been playing in the sandbox; God wants to take us to the beach.

As Christians, we need to remember that God’s perfect love is not only for our benefit. A model wears clothing to attract attention to the designer’s creativity. The model displays the designer’s work, but the designer’s reputation, not the model’s, is on the line. In the same way, as Christians, we model God’s love, whether or not we realize it. People watch us, and what they see affects God’s reputation for loving His creation. If we claim to follow Christ then wear the world’s twisted style of love, we drag the name and character of our Lord in the dirt.

The world tells us that love is beyond our control.

This thinking has found its way into our language. We describe the beginning of a passionate relationship as “falling in love.” Or people say, “we’re madly in love with each other.” You’ve more than likely heard people say these things – perhaps you’ve even said them yourself.

Why do we feel compelled to compare love to a pit or a mental disorder? What do these statements reveal about our attitudes toward love? I think part of the reason we make these somewhat overstated analogies is because they remove personal responsibility. If a person falls into a pit, what can she do about it? If an animal contracts rabies and runs around foaming at the mouth and biting people, it can’t really help its nasty behavior because it has gone mad.

Doesn’t it sound a little absurd to discuss love in such terms? I think so. Yet we tend to express our experience of love in these ways. We think of love as something beyond our control and thus excuse ourselves from having to behave responsibly. In extreme cases, people have blamed love for immorality, murder, rape, and many other sins. Okay, so maybe you and I haven’t done those things. But perhaps you’ve lied to your parents or friends because of a relationship. Maybe you pushed your partner too far physically. But if love is out of our control, we can’t possibly be held responsible. Yes, we know we behaved rashly. Yes, we know we might have hurt others in the process, but we couldn’t help it. We were in love.

The world takes us to a silver screen on which flickering images of passion and romance play, and as we watch, the world says, “This is love.” God takes us to the foot of a tree on which a naked and bloodied man hangs and says, “This is love.”

We need to realize that the lifelong commitment so many of us desire in our future marriages cannot be practiced or prepared for in a lifestyle of short-term relationships. Until we can commit to making a relationship work for the rest of our lives – and yes, it is a huge commitment – we do ourselves and others a disservice by pursuing short-term love in the meantime. True love waits, but not just for sex. It waits for the right time to commit to God’s brand of love – unwavering, unflagging, and totally committed.

6. The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing
How to keep impatience from robbing you of the gift of singleness

When we pursue romance is a major factor in determining whether or not dating is appropriate for us. And we can only determine the appropriate time to pursue romance when we understand God’s purpose for singleness and trust His timing for relationships.

Though it isn’t true of all relationships, dating relationships are often fueled by impatience, and we can directly relate many problems with dating to wrong timing. We want what we want right now.

But God wants us to appreciate the gifts of he present season of our lives. He wants us to learn the patience and trust necessary to wait for His perfect timing in all things, including our love lives.

1) The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.

God has may wonderful experiences He wants to give to us, but He also assigns these experiences to particular seasons of our lives. We often make the mistake, however, of taking a good thing out of its appropriate season to enjoy it when we want it.

Just because something is good doesn’t mean we should pursue it right now. We have to remember that the right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.

2) You don’t need to shop for what you can’t afford.

Before two people are ready for the responsibility of commitment, they should content themselves with friendship and wait on deep emotional intimacy. Exercising this patience will not handicap them relationally. In friendship, they can practice the skills of relating, caring, and sharing their lives with other people. In friendship, they can observe other people’s characters and begin to see what they’ll one day want in their mates. While it’s true we can learn worthwhile lessons from dating relationships, we need to make sure those relationships don’t bog us down. Wasting too much time trying each other out as boyfriend and girlfriend can actually distract two people from the more important task of preparing to be good spouses.

3) Any season of singleness is a gift from God.

One person rightly stated, “Don’t do something about our singlehood – do something with it!” Stop for just a minute and evaluate whether you’re using God’s gift of singleness as He desires. Ask yourself these questions:

- Am I concentrating on “simply pleasing the Master”?
- Am I using this season of my life to become a “holy” instrument for God?
- Or am I scrambling to find a romantic relationship with someone by dating?
- Am I failing to believe that God is sovereign over this part of my life and can provide for me?
- Could I possibly be throwing away the gift of singleness?
- Am I cluttering my life with needless complications and worries of dating?

Waiting for God’s timing requires trusting in His goodness and wisdom. We develop patience as we trust that God denies us what we think is good only because He has something better for us – both now and in the future.

It gets down to this question: Do you trust God? Don’t just give a knee-jerk, Sunday school answer. Do you really trust Him? Do you live your life as if you trust Him? Do you believe that by passing up something good now because it’s the wrong time, God will bring you something better when it is the right time?

7. The direction of purity
How to get on the road to righteousness

We esteem purity too little and desire it too late. Even when we try to assert its importance, we render our words meaningless by our contradictory actions.

True purity, however, is a direction, a persistent, determined pursuit of righteousness. This direction starts in the heart, and we express it in a lifestyle that flees opportunities for compromise.

1) Respect the deep significance of physical intimacy.

Our culture has programmed us to think that singleness grants us license to fool around, to try out people emotionally and sexually. Since we’re not married to anyone in particular, we can do what we want with anyone in general.

God has a very different view. “Honor marriage, and guard the sacredness of sexual intimacy between wife and husband,” He commands (Hebrews 13:4, The Message)

2) Set your standards too high.

God is not impressed with my ability to stand up to sin. He’s more impressed by the obedience I show when I run from it.

Set your standards too high. You will never regret purity.

3) Make the purity of others a priority.

I want to weep when I think of the many times I have neglected my responsibility to guard girls’ hearts. Instead of playing the role of a warrior, I played the thief, stealing their focus from God for myself. I’m determined to do better. I want to be the kind of friend to whom girls’ future husbands could one day say, “Thank you for standing watch over my wife’s heart. Thank you for guarding her purity.”

8. A cleansed past: the room
How Jesus can redeem your past

“So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light” (Romans 13:12). Admittedly, some will have more to lay aside that others – more memories, more pain, more regrets. But the past needn’t determine our future. We have choices right now about how we’ll live. Will we set our hearts on God and walk in His paths?

Monday, June 28, 2004

can't help but smile

so after an amazingly fast, fun-filled four days in fort worth and plano, i am back home with a smile on my face.

honestly, i could not have dreamed up a more perfect 4 days if i tried. mad props to lina and titus for setting everything up, and a big thanks to all them plano people who were so willing to sacrifice time, energy, and gas to make our stay so awesome.

alright, i think the best way to do this is in bullet form. maybe this will give you a taste of how my mind works. just random thoughts, quotes, and happenings..

- "watching" friends and chapelle show and singing on the way to fort worth
- having xiao drop 3 quarters at 3 different times that were going to be used for the toll booth
- 4-hour car ride conversation =) thanks for keeping me awake
- beating lina to her house
- hiking up the "hump" aka MOUNTAIN in the park by lina's house
- making the shadow picture for alby
- plano people show up at lina's house!
- "I KNEW IT!"
- quit playing games with my heart..
- "what's up with you and alby?"
- "i don't want to talk about it"
- "will you tell me about it on friday?"
- "meh, whatever."
- bbq at lina's!
- josh tries to balance on beach ball in the pool = bad idea
- downtown fort worth! nice, safe driving.
- warm welcome at titus's house
- bomberman!!
- team tech vs. titus lam
- sleeping in =)
- failed attempt at a "sit-in"' at JC burger house (johanna = traitor)
- bowling!
- straight shooter! girls club? =(
- alex and phil arrive; phil gets owned
- apples to apples and guestures!
- more bomberman
- feast provided by the lam family
- "thank you" song for lam family..
- whirlyball!!
- alby has no chance for a future as a whirlyball play-by-play announcer.
- lina and andy test out their boxing skills
- met cynthia's family + ___ spot thumper? (forgot first name)
- peter ou at lollicup?!
- chess, darts, uno =)
- wal-mart for some dodgeballs
- bling bling ring?
- DODGEBALL!! at 2 AM?!
- winners vs. losers
- various dodgeball movie allusions without having seen the movie
- jho vs. jxiao
- I WOKE UP AT 8:45 BUT GIRLS DID NOT ARRIVE UNTIL 9:30. woke up like i promised, and see what happens? girls have a "prayer meeting"
- toooollll taaaggg vs. EZ tag
- six flags over texas vs. astroworld
- plaaaannnnnoooooo.. houston! fort worth!
- "daddy..i wanna go home."
- thunderstorm = 1 hour wait = dippy dippy dip?
- tornado warning = run
- digging through trash for ticket receipts
- chili's for lunch!
- back to six flags!
- herbert?
- $20 ride through the parking lot!
- titan, texas giant, mr. freeze, batman, sponge bob squarepants
- cynthia accusing me of growing out 2 of my fingernails to pick my nose..
- lina suggesting that i use a tissue instead -_-
- titan titan titan
- denny's!
- dcfc!
- joseph tsai?!
- sunday school!
- #1 = no divorce no remarriage.
- marry the guys in the front row ;)
- golden chick
- dodgeball..the movie!
- thanks to the tinseltown employee who informed us about the extra scene at the end. BIG thanks.
- goodbyes ='(
- a single tire rolling down I-45?
- a full rainbow on the way home
- wonderful car talk
- jack in the box stop
- hardy toll road?
- asking xiao to give me the toll money one last time
- xiao giving me a gum wrapper thinking it was a dime
- being stuck at the toll booth because we were a dime short
- getting out of the car at the toll booth to pick up a stray dime
- getting lost on the way to johanna's house
- getting home at 12 midnight

and last, but not least, a huge shoutout to the Big Guy up there, for making the past 4 days so memorable. thanks for the rain, the sunshine, the laughs, the bruises, the hello's, and the farewells.
