today was pretty cool..
woke up at 11 to go out to eat with family at this mexican restaurant called
lopez..pretty yummy stuff.
after that, i came home, finished some scholarship poop, and then
simon yau came over to shoot some hoops..
he was 2 minutes from my house when it started to drizzle outside..danget!!
but then, i shot a quick prayer up to God and asked him to not let it rain just yet..
and, it was awesome..within minutes, it stopped raining altogether.
*sigh* but then simon ruined everything..
we started playing, and then after a mere 5 minutes playing 1-on-1, i already shattered his ankles, leaving him on the ground in agony..
so much for playing ball..
soon after that, it started pouring, but it was just in time =)
we chilled at my house for a while..which is when simon decided to try lifting weights again..bad idea? betta believe it.
he sat down on the bench, looked at the weights on the bar, and calculated it out to be 75 pounds.
with confidence he said, "psh..75 pounds? im gonna tear through this thing.."
after doing about 15 reps, he tried to place the bar back in its resting position.
he got the right side in the holder with ease, but the left side was a different story..
he couldnt get it up high enough, so the bar tilted to the left..
the weights on the left slid right off, which made the weight of the bar unbalanced with the right side being too heavy.
as a result, the bar began to tilt the other way, and the rest of the weights slid off of the bar..
but, to top it all off, after all the weights had been thrown off the bar, simon himself was thrown from the bench, and his body slammed into the wall.
..yes, true story. just another day in the life of simon yau..
at 6, we hurried to fuddrucker's to meet up with some other JPGs for dinner.
after eating, we went back out to our cars to drive to loew's theater..
which is when
david zhu backed his car into
alex fan's camry..LOL. much for david being able to afford new rims for his car..
anyways, we saw
cradle to the grave, which was pretty good for a
jet li movie..
to finish the day, i got a haircut, and then sped home..