Wednesday, November 17, 2004

i don't get it

there are so many mysteries in life. allow me to share some of my deepest, seemingly unanswerable questions.

i don't get what is up with guys and video games. honestly, i really don't understand. it's kinda sickening to know that some guys can really spend an entire day sitting in front of a computer monitor shooting people or ordering creatures around. it confuses me like nothing else.

i don't get why those extra five minutes of sleep every morning feel so freakin' good. i have a bad habit of snoozing now. usually countless times. just to be able to fall asleep again right after i close my eyes and pick up right where my dream left off.

i don't get why the rockets are so inconsistent. they can go down to the wire against the best teams in the NBA, even without tracy mcgrady, and yet they can't beat the..atlanta hawks? so perplexing.

i don't get why i like playing basketball so much. because i mean, it's a pretty boring cycle when you think about it. go to the gym, play a game. if you win, you keep playing. if you lose, you get off the court. what good do i really get out of it, other than maybe a couple good hours of exercise? hm, i feel like going to the gym right now.

i don't get why i always seem to be hungry. it's really strange. even on days when i eat a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner, come 12:00 midnight, my stomach growls for more food. in scotland, i came to a point where i was convinced that i had a couple of tapeworms in me, but i've come to realize that that can't be possible...right?

i don't get why i still can't decide on a major. you would think that by now something would just jump out at me and catch my attention, but unfortunately, that is not the case. c'mon, God, i'm still waiting for that divine revelation..anyday now.

i don't get why alby is not here right now. oh, sorry alby. didn't mean to put you on the spot.

i don't get why reality tv shows are such a hit. sometimes i really want to hire somebody to just follow me around with a camera 24/7, just to see if watching my life on television would be just as interesting.

i don't get why time passes by so fast here at UT. is it just me, or is anyone else having a mid-college-life crisis? sophomore year is almost half over already. what the hay?

i don't get why there is a need for signing on more than one screenname at a time. i mean, let's be honest, do you really talk to 200+ people on AIM on a consistent basis? actually, do you really talk to 20+ people consistently??

i don't get why physical human pain can be so entertaining. i mean, just look at shows like WWF, viva la bam, dumbass, etc. why is it so funny to see someone getting stung by bees?

i don't get why christmas songs are so emotionally contagious. i have yet to see someone listen to "we wish you a merry christmas" and not miraculously jump into a happier mood. i love christmas songs!

you have just witnessed a few of the wanderings of my mind. so for all of us here at mok's blog, i'm jonathan mok. have a good day.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

a cool feeling

early early friday morning, koller, titus, jenny, lina, and i took a trip to denny's. fresh fruit pancakes at 5 in the morning? now THAT'S a cool feeling.

i returned to my room and decided to start on my linguistics homework. i fell asleep somehow and woke up at 10:40, 20 minutes before my linguistics homework was due. now THAT'S a cool feeling.

miraculously, i finished the homework with 2 minutes to spare, and proceeded to print it out. that's when i realized my printer was jammed. now THAT'S a cool feeling.

but no worries, i promptly emailed my TA the homework assignment, and all was well. i then went to my mythology class and found out i got a 99 on the midterm. now THAT'S a cool feeling.

after aacm was canto club's mahjong and karaoke night. there, hong kong owned taiwan. now THAT'S a cool feeling.

then we went to phil's room for a couple of movies. first in line was "the notebook." sigh, what a good movie. it was definitely a tearjearker. i mean....or so i've heard. i was stupid and didn't leave right away. instead, another movie, "dumb and dumber," was started and midway through i finally left to go back to my room to sleep. it was 5:30 AM. now that's a cool feeling.

i woke up at 6 PM the next day. now THAT'S a cool feeling.

after eating a much-needed meal, i decided to start studying for my management test on monday. as i looked through the syllabus, i noticed that there was also a 5-page paper due on monday. now THAT'S a cool feeling.

i finished the 5-page paper over a span of 4 hours. now that's a cool feeling.

i stayed indoors the entire saturday. now THAT'S a cool feeling.

stacked with scrubs playoff game was today at 3:00. we had a huge fan base, but unfortunately, we were unable to pull through with the victory. nevertheless, it was an awesome season =) now THAT'S a cool feeling.

as i started to study for my management exam, i got an email from one of my classmates that said that the paper was not due until wednesday. now THAT'S a cool feeling.

a food delivery and an unexpected phone call. now THAT'S a cool feeling.

i've spent way too much time typing up this blog post when i should be studying. now THAT'S a cool feeling.

have a good week =)