don't hold me back
you know what i love? i love hearing about how God is working in other people's lives. whether in person, on the phone, through AIM, or through blog-surfing, it never ceases to amaze me that God is powerful enough to be such an awesome presence in everyone's lives.
tomorrow marks the first day of urbana 2003. am i excited? of course. am i ready? almost. am i hesitant? not at all. i've heard so many stories from people about how God works in people's lives at urbana that i now have no idea what to expect. good, bad? who knows. all i know is that my God is someone who knows what He is doing. i have full faith that He will reveal His will for my life in His own perfect timing, and whether that time is in these next few days at urbana, that's not for me to decide.
now is the time where i need you. yes, you. whoever is reading this thing of mine. whether this is the first time you've visited my blog or the 392038435th time, i have a simple favor to ask of you. ive already asked several people to pray for me and everyone else at urbana while we're away, but there's no such thing as too much prayer, right? right. please just pray for the conference, that God will speak to everyone there. pray that everyone will be spritually and emotionally prepared for the conference, that any distractions in their life will be put aside.
thanks so much. oh and btw, if you don't know already, i have an infinite profile page thingiemajigger just for prayer requests. there's a link to your left, or if you're on AIM, it's also in my profile. i try to update daily, or at least 3 times a week, so please if you don't already, check that once in a while and witness the power of prayer (and let me know if you have any prayer requests).
you know what i love? i love hearing about how God is working in other people's lives. whether in person, on the phone, through AIM, or through blog-surfing, it never ceases to amaze me that God is powerful enough to be such an awesome presence in everyone's lives.
tomorrow marks the first day of urbana 2003. am i excited? of course. am i ready? almost. am i hesitant? not at all. i've heard so many stories from people about how God works in people's lives at urbana that i now have no idea what to expect. good, bad? who knows. all i know is that my God is someone who knows what He is doing. i have full faith that He will reveal His will for my life in His own perfect timing, and whether that time is in these next few days at urbana, that's not for me to decide.
now is the time where i need you. yes, you. whoever is reading this thing of mine. whether this is the first time you've visited my blog or the 392038435th time, i have a simple favor to ask of you. ive already asked several people to pray for me and everyone else at urbana while we're away, but there's no such thing as too much prayer, right? right. please just pray for the conference, that God will speak to everyone there. pray that everyone will be spritually and emotionally prepared for the conference, that any distractions in their life will be put aside.
thanks so much. oh and btw, if you don't know already, i have an infinite profile page thingiemajigger just for prayer requests. there's a link to your left, or if you're on AIM, it's also in my profile. i try to update daily, or at least 3 times a week, so please if you don't already, check that once in a while and witness the power of prayer (and let me know if you have any prayer requests).