Saturday, April 05, 2003

from david ho's info:

If somebody says "Hey now," please do not respond with "You're an all-star." Please.

Thank you.

i do that..haha..does anyone else do this?!
after calling xiao a chump for playing starcraft..

HeyLookItsXiao: don be hatin
HeyLookItsXiao: participate!
fallin f0r y0u: ..that doesnt rhyme
HeyLookItsXiao: ok fine
HeyLookItsXiao: don playahate
HeyLookItsXiao: participate!
fallin f0r y0u: aint no playa
HeyLookItsXiao: i ball off the court
HeyLookItsXiao: that's why u don't see my moves
fallin f0r y0u: ..then thats not ballin then is it
HeyLookItsXiao: yeah it is
fallin f0r y0u: seeing as theres no BALL involved
HeyLookItsXiao: cause i be playing everyone
fallin f0r y0u: just a stupid mouse and a keyboard
HeyLookItsXiao: on there's balls involved
fallin f0r y0u: ...
HeyLookItsXiao: you gotta have balls to probe rush
HeyLookItsXiao: cause if u fail
HeyLookItsXiao: u lose

..can you say, GAY?!
just got back from work..ah..i love working on saturday mornings!!
cuz theres NO PEOPLE!!

hehe its been a while since i got to work saturday though..i always end up getting stuck with the sunday night shift, which are super duper suck.

anyways, got my paycheck yesterday..
they owe me 18 hours, but somehow i got jipped out of 4 of those..
but its all good cuz my boss said he'd add 5 hours to my next paycheck.. $157.20 total, which boils down to about $11.23 an hour, which is pretty high quality for me.

well, gotta do some homework real quick before the missions conference tonight..
so, outta here!
eh..gotta sleep so i can wake up in time to go to work tomorrow..
but..just wanna say a quick good luck to everyone taking the SAT tomorrow!
dont worry..its just a test =P jordan xviii today =)
good night!

Thursday, April 03, 2003

got the acceptance letter from the mitte business honors program today..
and its true! the honors program is offering me a $5000 scholarship separate from anything else..
so add that to the $4000 for being a national merit finalist, and thats a grand total of $9000/year so far!
yipee! and even MORE surprising is the fact that only 25 people received this scholarship..
so my question is this..
how did I end up getting one?!
hehe oh well..praise the Lord!!
happiepenguin: YAY for you
fallin f0r y0u: ?
happiepenguin: i are going to be a LONGDEER!!!!!!!!!
happiepenguin: YAY!
happiepenguin: *YOU
fallin f0r y0u: ...what?!?!
happiepenguin: ..fine
happiepenguin: forget
happiepenguin: i congratulated u
fallin f0r y0u: longdeer?
happiepenguin: i mean LONG HORN
happiepenguin: oops
fallin f0r y0u: ...heh...ill pretend i didnt hear that..

*shaking head*
anyways, like the new look??

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

today after school, before my intramural game, i stopped by the mall to buy some food before going back to school..
i went to mcdonald's to get a cheeseburger for jane, who was still at school suffering through orchestra rehearsal..
i only had a $1.10 in change with me, so i walked up to the counter....

me: hey sup. how much is a cheeseburger?
guy: um..$1.29 with tax.
me: nono..for just ONE cheeseburger.
guy: yeah; it's $1.29.
me: what.....uh..ok..well, how much is a DOUBLE cheeseburger then?
guy: $1.08 with tax.
me:, a DOUBLE cheeseburger is cheaper than a normal cheeseburger?
guy: eh..yeah, i guess so..its a special deal.

jeez that guy was so STUPID. but, anyways, so i ordered a double cheeseburger and gave him my $1.10 in coins

guy: *counts the money* you got any more?
me: uh..i thought you said it cost $1.08??
guy: yeah..$1.08..
me: ..i just gave you $1.10...
guy: *pretends to count again* o..ok..

and then he gives me a dime back.
..are there ANY job qualifications to work at mcdonald's?
i mean..cmon, at least arithemetic..
or maybe just a dash of common sense?
guess who's a longhorn fo sho?

hint: me

yep, looks like im packing my bags for austin, texas. i must admit i was already planning on going to UT, so if i got accepted into upenn today, iono what i would do.
so i'd like to give a big shout-out to the Big Guy Upstairs for making the decision for me. thanks!

DarkJediPete: should i come over and hug you now? or wait till we are in UT?
DarkJediPete: alright alright...i won't do that...
DarkJediPete: yet
DarkJediPete: but you can look forward to many things at UT....:-D
DarkJediPete: uh...ignore that big smiley ;-)

anyways, now im just waiting to rake in the scholarship money.
$9000 so far ;)

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

oh man. good news.
couple posts down i said maybe just $5000/year for UT?
well, now it seems that its pointing toward $9000/year.

oh, but btw, tomorrow is the big day. the day ive been waiting like, what, 6 months for?
yep, thats right: upenn decision.
as of now, id have to say im already leaning more towards UT cuz of honors program and everything, but hey, gotta keep my options open.

i find out tomorrow at 5 PM!!
oh. wait. i have an intramural game at 5 too..
ah well. first things first. must keep my priorities straight..

i guess ill just find out about upenn after the game..
superjlike WHOA: wtcrap!!!
superjlike WHOA: YAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fallin f0r y0u: yeah..afdsj;laskjfjsaf
fallin f0r y0u: wth man..
fallin f0r y0u: mutombo is freakin dead
fallin f0r y0u: ugh...
fallin f0r y0u: now we have NO CHANCE of making playoffs
fallin f0r y0u: and who knows how much the injury is gonna affect him
superjlike WHOA: no kidding
superjlike WHOA: argh
superjlike WHOA: but he's not a totally newbie
superjlike WHOA: i think he'll be okay next season
fallin f0r y0u: hehe

Auto response from superjlike WHOA: hw until i get sleepy, then dinner

fallin f0r y0u: its an april fool's man
fallin f0r y0u: hahah
superjlike WHOA: ....
superjlike WHOA: haha
superjlike WHOA: crap
superjlike WHOA: thank the heavens!
fallin f0r y0u: lol
fallin f0r y0u: hahahha
fallin f0r y0u: thats going in the blog

hehehehe..and for all the rest of you people who fell for it...
don't tell me. getting pretty tired of waiting for this commenting system on my blog to work properly (it still doesnt show how many shoutouts there have been), so i decided to try out a tagboard..
not quite sure if i should keep the commenting system or the tagboard, but ill see how it turns out.

but, yeah.
dude..we're screwed...
holy crap man..

Monday, March 31, 2003

SimY85: do ur qt u ho

fallin f0r y0u: ill do my qt's once alex starts making 1/2 of his shots
SimY85: sigh...looks like ur not going to heaven
fallin f0r y0u: lol might just have been a $1000 scholarship..
so $5000/year overall..but its all good =)
just received a phone call...
i got a $5000 a year scholarship from the mitte business honors program!!

add that to the $4000 a year for national merit, and ive got $9000/year so far!!

hehe i guess this makes up for missing that stupid layup during today's intramural game..
*sigh* and good thing jane was there to cheer me up! =)

ah, now, onto my hw.
hm..i know its short notice, but, yeah..
i find out on wednesday whether or not i got accepted into upenn..
and, even though i dont even know what to expect myself, i was j/w what everyone else thinks.
hence, a new poll on your left.
fallin f0r y0u: did we have any english hw
HeyLookItsXiao: hrm
HeyLookItsXiao: read wuthering heights
HeyLookItsXiao: quiz tomorrow
fallin f0r y0u: ....
fallin f0r y0u: dude you better be lying
HeyLookItsXiao: i am
HeyLookItsXiao: haha
fallin f0r y0u: ....YOU'RE DEAD!!
fallin f0r y0u: almost gave me a friggin heart attack man
fallin f0r y0u: ugh
HeyLookItsXiao: ahah
HeyLookItsXiao: ^_^
HeyLookItsXiao: yes!
HeyLookItsXiao: upped on x-listeh?
HeyLookItsXiao: i told u i'd get up there again
HeyLookItsXiao: saddam aint got nothing against me!
HeyLookItsXiao: chump
fallin f0r y0u: ugh
HeyLookItsXiao: *hehe hehehe*
HeyLookItsXiao: *giddy jpg laugh*

and, with that, we have a new x-list leader.
fallin f0r y0u: give me back my iverson jersey
DarkJediPete: hehe ok
DarkJediPete: oh btw
DarkJediPete: i look pretty good in the AI jersey ^_^
fallin f0r y0u: ...
DarkJediPete: i look like a baller....
fallin f0r y0u: man
fallin f0r y0u: you better not have stretched it out
DarkJediPete: but then....i look kinda gay too
DarkJediPete: bright blue isn't my color
DarkJediPete: haha i didn't stretch it out.....
DarkJediPete: but seriously...
fallin f0r y0u: heh ok good
DarkJediPete: the jersey raises me from...a chinese wannabe-player to....baller like whoa!
fallin f0r y0u: ...
fallin f0r y0u: i doubt that..
DarkJediPete: hehe
DarkJediPete: my robert horry just makes me look like some mexican
fallin f0r y0u: hah yeah
DarkJediPete: but...A.I.
DarkJediPete: :-D
fallin f0r y0u: heh
DarkJediPete: btw that was not a racist remark....
fallin f0r y0u: uh huh
DarkJediPete: ya know...robert horry is mexican
DarkJediPete: so ya know...i look like a mexican cuz i'm wearing his jersey....
fallin f0r y0u: ...
DarkJediPete: ya know ya know?
fallin f0r y0u: hes not mexican
DarkJediPete: ...oh poo

Sunday, March 30, 2003

hm..for some reason, the shoutout thng on this page doesnt really seem to be working..
i mean, you can still leave comments and all, but the thing doesnt show how many shoutouts there have been..
agh..hope it gets fixed soon..

anyways, thought this was interestingly funny:
"Good Friends are like thighs, always sticking together"
(from gideon's info)
Simy85: and why am i on ur X list?
fallin f0r y0u: cuz of the rockets game you fag
Simy85: well if i had a list
Simy85: ud be on my super X list
fallin f0r y0u: oh no..
fallin f0r y0u: and if you were intimidating to me at all
fallin f0r y0u: id be scared right now
SimY85: dont get me started man
SimY85: or its gonna be game time
fallin f0r y0u: uh..right..

stupid sheisty people like simon don't deserve cable tv..
sheesh..wouldnt even let me go over to his house cuz he supposedly had "homework".
can you say, CHUMP?! it just me or are these weekends getting shorter and shorter?!
sheesh..sunday night already?!?

ah well, the thought of friday being a HOLIDAY sure raises my spirit =)

dumdedum..just got back from work..
hm..lets see..what happened today?

i woke up late, so i missed sunday school..(shh..)
but i got to church in time for worship, which was cool..
we had a guest pastor, pastor david? i think..he made a pretty good point about the importance of missions..
i think ophelia got me sick though..or, SOMEONE did..agh..

after service, at about 1, my sister told me to go help my dad cuz he got a flat tire..
and oh jeez, that was the gayest thing ever..first of all, the wrench we had was like, sorta broken, so i hadda go get alex yang's wrench from his nissan quest..
after it was all said and done, my dad drove home and i put the tools back into alex's van..
the worst part of the entire ordeal was the fact that i couldnt vandalize alex's car because i was afraid his mom was gonna be driving it home..blah!!

anyhoo, there was no ball today cuz of some chinese school crap, so that really sucked..
went to work at 5, and you know the rest.

"You know the world is off tilt, when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest basketball player is Chinese, and Germany doesn't want to go to war."
-Charles Barkley

lol..hahah..taken from annie's info..