Saturday, September 07, 2002

happy 6 months jane!!! =)

heh got paycheck today too!
ahh..what an awesome day..

Thursday, September 05, 2002

ah..tomorrow's friday!! awesome!!
man this week went by super fast..
but, yea..going to sleep soon..

just gotta say some stuff real quick:

happy early 6 month anniversary, jane!! =)

everyone make sure you go to the YOUTH TALENT SHOW at FBCC on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28!!
trust me -- you don't wanna miss it.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

today in calculus, we were going over some ws:

me: aw man..this is just like physics..
mrs stephenson: well, it may sound a bit like physics, but trust me. i havent taken physics since i was your age, and i can still do it.
eric: did you have mr sauer?

3 minutes later..

thomas: what about mr. nielson?

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

you know what's sad? watching people trying to do jumping jacks who have no idea what theyre doing.
it's amazing. you should stop by 2nd period PE to watch sometime.
some guys are just randomly jumping.
others are just randomly counting.
the rest just randomly fling their arms.
*sigh* truly academic.
yesterday my brother had to go over to stanley tso's house to make a video. after i practiced w/ jeremy and alex for the talent show, i was passing by the neighborhood, so i called stanley to see where jason was.

Stanley - hello?
Me - hey, is my brother there?
Stanley -, he's sleeping..
Me - sleeping?
Stanley - yeah, he fell asleep.
Me - where?
Stanley - at home..
Me - oh..when did he leave your house?
Stanley - what?
Me - when did he leave?
Stanley - leave for what?
Me - to go home!
Stanley - he is home!
Me - what? he's still at your house?
Stanley - why wouldn't he be?

30 seconds later..

Me - wait, so, MY brother fell asleep at YOUR house?
Stanley - wait..what? oh, YOUR brother? haha he left a long time ago.

aiya!! what a waste of a minute and a half of my 250 weekday minutes!!
stanley..*shaking fist*

Sunday, September 01, 2002

ah..lotta stuff happened this week.

friday night, went to lost creek for some "football", aka walking around on a field for 30 minutes, then to astros game.

at astros game, first 15,000 adults got free astros umbrellas. so, simon, my cousin, and i were all ecstatic (no exaggeration) to get the umbrellas. the game was awesome. with astros winning in near the end of the game, we decided to go to a lower level to see the game. as we stood up, a lady behind me asked if we wanted to sell one of our umbrellas. we looked reluctant, so she offered me $20. it was almost impossible not to smile, but somehow i managed. cool beans. bought $5 seats, then sold a free umbrella for $20. good stuff!

anyways, saturday was pretty cool too. finished 2 college essays and gotta see "simone" (good movie!) w/ my hunnie =)

sunday was a bit more tiring. finally gotta chance to go to sunday school, and then after the sermon, went out to eat at chili's for dennis lee's bday! happy bday dennis!
ah..but then, i hadda go to work. but today, i found out that i FINALLY HAVE A TIME CARD!! woohoo!! i am now an official employee at sweetwater country club..and it only took a month to authorize it.
anyways, get my paycheck this saturday; im psyched!

ah well, thats it for now.

important dates to remember:
september 7 - 6 months =)
october 7 - 7 months =)
october 8 - my bday!!

haha yea, i know its still a long way off, but hey, im excited.
eh..and SCARED. im gonna be 18?!?! wtcrap?!