Thursday, July 15, 2004


yesterday, i was overjoyed to find my first scotland basketball court.

just replace the word "overjoyed" with "disgusted" and the words "basketball court" with "woven basket stuck on a 12-foot pole." where am i, and what am i doing here?

oh, scotland, i pray for thee..

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

funny how it's always the little things that make my day =)

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


i <3 ultimate frisbee =)

i finally learned how to throw a frisbee without an annoying spin. hooray! i can throw directly to a person now, instead of 50 feet to the right!

and there's no better feeling than being able to outjump a 6'7" guy for a frisbee. repeatedly. but now my legs are dead.

man, i'm gonna be so rusty on the basketball court when i get back..why, OH WHY, does this city not have a single basketball court? all i've seen are soccer fields and tennis courts. i mean, C'MON, how about a real sport, eh? just kidding.

well, with the rockets starting point guard position still up for grabs, i'm considering going to training camp. i mean, how hard could it be? dump it in to yao, let him do his thing. dish it off to tmac, let him do his thing. and if either one of them are being double-teamed, drive it in for the layup, or spot up and hit the open 3. i think i could average at least 10 points 5 dimes. you can kill me if they don't make the playoffs with me on the roster.

sigh, anyways, feeling a bit homesick, even though this first week and a half just flew right by. gonna take a train to check out the british open and do some hiking this weekend. hope all is well wherever you people are =)

Monday, July 12, 2004

two for one

during a bus tour of edinburgh the other day, i learned a bit about the history of the city's waste management. at the same time, i realized that many times, we don't know how to flush our own toilets.

you see, back in the day, edinburgh was so starved for space that they simply did not have any waste management facilities or any room for a public dump or landfill. every night at 10 pm, people would open up their windows facing the street and yell a french phrase that sounds like "GUARDAYLOO" (which means something like "watch out for the water") and hurl all of the household's waste (trash, pee, poo, the works) into the center of the street. lovely. oh btw, edinburgh was voted "the worst place to live in europe" for 250 consecutive years, an honor that the people here seem to be very proud of.

on to the story. so you may ask, where did all this waste go? well, edinburgh's nice, cobblestone streets are pretty steep, so all this nasty stuff just oozed down the street, via gravity. and conveniently enough, it also rains 90% of the time here, so the rain also helped all this yummy gummy garbage trickle down the street..

..all the way until it reached a wonderful, little pond: THE SOURCE OF THE CITY'S DRINKING WATER. what a b-e-a-utiful story, doncha think?

unfortunately, i think this is the same way many of us deal with our own problems. instead of dealing with the matter directly, in order to find a permanent solution to the situation, we merely put it off. sure, it may seem easier to just ignore or find a temporary fix to the problem, but sooner or later, you'll find a bigger dilemna: DOODOO IN YOUR WATER!

ok jk, but you get my drift, right?