Saturday, August 28, 2004

i <3 simon

simon, simon, simon. what can i say? let's see..

simon, you are cool.

..crap. what a horrible start to this post. ok, i'll just put pictures on here.

thanks for always making me laugh. thanks for giving me all those rides everywhere for the past however many years. thanks for being someone i feel comfortable talking to about anything.

oh, and thanks for putting a freakin' hole in my wall when you dropped the weights in my room.

happy 19th birthday, simon yau. i think i'll give you some new undershirts as a gift.

Friday, August 27, 2004

i am SMRT

long story short, i screwed up my schedule. as of right now, i have class at 8 AM monday through thursday. BUT there is hope. i am on 4 waiting lists.

oh, and another clever thing i did today. i signed on AIM, but it was lagging, so in my bout of impatience, i started clicking randomly. alas, i managed to somehow invite everyone on my buddy list into one chatroom.

for those of you who were online and ventured to enter the chatroom, i am sorry. please forgive your foolish friend.

but, big thanks to grace, who just made my day:

ah, what would i do without mis amigos?

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

new year's resolutions

i guess it's time. i don't know about you, but i'm tired of setting new year's resolutions that are either ridiculously unattainable or ridiculously easy to keep. SO, here are my 2004-2005 new (school) year resolutions:

don't skip church
should be a bit better this year with simon and xiao living across the hall just in case i oversleep, but i really gotta keep this commitment this year.

follow a "set" bedtime
this one has its exceptions, but for the most part, on every day except friday, i want to go to sleep by 2 AM at the latest. why 2? mainly because the gym closes at 1, and you know me. i gotta squeeze each available minute out of my friend gregory.

personal devotions every night
pretty much self-explanatory. friends, please keep me accountable.

keep in touch
this is a broad resolution, but i've made a vow to be more intentional in my relationships this year. this also includes calling home at least twice a week.

raise my GPA
this basically entails going to every class. i don't want to make such a lofty commitment just yet, but let's just say i'm going to go to most, if not all, of my classes this year.

learn to balance my time
this year my 24 hours will have to be shuffled between classes, church, AACM, small group, studying, and friends. do pray.

ok if i think of anymore, i will add them later. IT'S MY BEDTIME!!

Sunday, August 22, 2004

alright alright. i've decided to stop hatin' on mr. steve francis. he's actually not a bad guy, and he DID commit 5 years of his career to the city of houston.

SO, if steve francis is reading this, thank you for all the exciting moments and all the highlight reel plays that used to light up my television screen. thanks also for helping to lead the rockets to the playoffs this past year. you are very much appreciated, and you will be missed.

later stevie, and good luck in orlando