Friday, March 08, 2002

i love short, concise, meaningful emails =)
they make me smile.

Thursday, March 07, 2002

*smile* =)
ill remember this day..

Wednesday, March 06, 2002


but still, all smiles.. =)
ahh..just 2 more days..

crap..bout 40 pages to read..this is almost as bad as moby dick..


Tuesday, March 05, 2002

ahh havent blogged for a while..

happy 6 months, jane~ =)
i feel it coming on again: fear, crawling under my skin.
that quiet, unspoken, never-admitted feeling...
that haunting, ever-nagging, turn-your-back-and-run panic...
fear: not of spiders or big dogs or the pull of the ocean,
but fear of my ability, people's reaction, the future, mistakes.
o lord, help me to face my fears and turn them around.
be my anchor; stand by me until i --
stop fearing i might lose in love...
but fear instead that i might never love at all.
stop fearing there are others better than me...
but fear instead that i will never discover my true potential.
stop fearing i might not meet others' expectations...
but fear instead that i might never know yours.
stop fearing what lies ahead tomorrow, next week, next month, next year...
but fear instead that that i might never experience life's drama today.
stop fearing hurt and sorrow and tears...
but fear instead that i will never know the pains of growth.
stop fearing i might fail...
but fear instead that i might never try.
stop fearing others will laugh at me...
but fear instead that i might never learn to laugh at myself.
o lord, help me to anchor my life on your hope
instead of my fear.
o lord, i know an adventurous life can never be fear-free...
but at least helpl my fears to be my soul's signal for rallying
instead of running.

- s. rickly christian
"most of us have much trouble praying when we are in little trouble, but we have little trouble praying when we are in much trouble"
- richard p. cook

Sunday, March 03, 2002

today at church, me, andy wong, and alex are talkin bout takin the SAT 2's..

me:, after SAT 1 is finally over, we gotta take SAT 2's!!
andy: UT doesnt require SAT 2 tho..does it?
alex: no, but moms do..

*sigh* so true.