Thursday, September 12, 2002

Tribute to Todd Beamer Flight 93

September 11th

The Faith of Todd Beamer

"I don't think we're going to get out of this thing.

I'm going to have to go out on faith."

It was the voice of Todd Beamer, the passenger
... and Wheaton College graduate ... who said,
"Let's roll" as he led the charge against the

terrorists who high jacked United Flight 93,
the one, you will remember, that crashed in

the Pennsylvania countryside.

The whole world knows how brave Beamer
and his fellow passengers were on September 11th.
But this week we learned more fully what buttressed
that bravery: Faith in Jesus Christ.
Todd died as he lived . a faithful evangelical believer.

In an article titled "The Real Story of Flight 93,"

Newsweek reveals gripping new details from the

actual transcripts of the now-recovered cockpit

voice recorder. "Todd had been afraid,"

Newsweek relates.
"More than once, he cried out for his Savior."

After passengers were herded to the back of the
jet, Beamer called the GTE Customer Center
in Oakbrook, Illinois . He told supervisor Lisa
Jefferson about the hijacking. The passengers
were planning to jump the terrorists, he said.
And then he asked her to pray with him.

As Newsweek relates .
"Beamer kept a Lord's Prayer bookmark in his
Tom Clancy novel, but he didn't need any
prompting. He began to recite the ancient litany,
and Jefferson joined him:
Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name."

As they finished, Beamer added,

"Jesus, help me."
And then, Beamer and his fellow passengers

prayed a prayer that has comforted millions

down through the centuries . the prayer that

David wrote in a time of great anguish:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ...
Yea, though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil.

And then the famous last words:
"Are you guys ready? Let's roll."

We now know from the cockpit voice recorder
that Beamer and other passengers wrestled with
the hijackers and forced the plane to crash into
the ground, killing themselves but foiling what
was believed to have been the hijackers' plan to
fly Flight 93 into the Capitol or the White House.

As Christians, we know that God can bring good
out of evil. In Todd Beamer, the world witnesses
a faith that held up in the extremity of fear.
A faith that is even now comforting his widow
and two young sons.

Lisa Beamer told NBC's Dateline,
"You know, in the Lord's Prayer, it asks us
to forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us." "As Todd prayed this prayer
in the last moments of his life, in a way," Lisa said,
"He was forgiving those people for what they were
doing, the most horrible thing you could ever do
to someone."

It wasn't Todd Beamer's job to fight terrorists.
He was just a passenger, who along with several
others, did what he didn't have to do but foiled a
terrible evil that might have been done to his country.

As Flight 93 hurtled towards destruction,
Todd Beamer could not have known that his
quiet prayers would ultimately be heard by
millions .. that the story of his last acts on
earth would be a witness to the Lord he loved
and served and a lasting example of true heroism.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

its really hard to believe how much this country has changed in just one year. september 11, 2001 is truly a date that we'll never forget. but its true what they say: 9/11 may just be the best thing thats ever happened to this country. we've grown more united and more importantly, we no longer consider ourselves invincible.

ill post more on this tomorrow or something. my sister needs the comp.
"it's okay if you talk to yourself as long as you don't answer."
- mr. steinkamp know whats sad? ive learned more about economics today in psychology than i have in mcgee's ECONOMICS CLASS.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

hm..i need some advice:

right now, im taking 7 classes. its not too fun, but im sorta hoping itll pay off when the college admissions people look at it and put my application in the "insanely hardworking senior students" pile. but i barely get any sleep at all, so i needa make a decision.

should i drop psychology and take an off-period?
please reply.

taken from gideon's info:

"If I were a girl, I would be very afraid to talk to you, Gideon."
- Jeremy Chu
"Too bad we're guys and we're still scared."
- Jonathan Mok
man..i needa start getting some more sleep..

oh, and btw..does anyone know where students for christ meets?
tuesday and thursday mornings -- which room?!?

yipee..national merit crap..
they gave us an entire WEEK to finish everything!! alright!!
thanks guys!! hyuck hyuck.

Monday, September 09, 2002

*sigh* bio test was freakin impossible..
and now, i gotta psychology test tomorrow..
at least i got some advice from eric today in english:

(eric sees me doing pyschology worksheets)
eric: oh..haha psychology. don't even try.
me: eh? try for what?
eric: no use even studying for the either get a C or you fail.
me: uh..what..
eric: yea, no one got an A. NO ONE.

i love the encouragement.

anyhow, on a lighter note, im still excited about the texans!!
hehe really cant believe they won yesterday. 1st time since 1941, i think, that an expansion team has won its 1st game.
hey, who knows, they might just go 16-0. =P

hey you. sign my dreambook. i need an update just as much as you do. =)

Sunday, September 08, 2002

david carr is a baller. thats all i gotta say.

go texans!!!
fallin f0r y0u: hehe the whole time me and alex were just talking about the talent show
aznpryd369: lol..another time for us to c u guys embarrass yourselves...
fallin f0r y0u: true
fallin f0r y0u: actually no
fallin f0r y0u: its not really embarrassing
fallin f0r y0u: hm..yea its never embarrassing
aznpryd369: haha..yeah..thats true..
aznpryd369: yall have never seen how stupid youve looked..
fallin f0r y0u: well we have
fallin f0r y0u: but we're able to just laugh it off
fallin f0r y0u: its a gift
congrats jane on your baptism =)

heh korean churches are WAY different than chinese churches.

in sunday school, we talked about:
- a dog humping someone's leg
- a dog licking someone's leg

not weird, just different =P
oh yea..scooby-doo!!
cant beat us =)

hehe a simple explanation:
tonight at church, there was a lip-sync contest. there were about 6 or 7 groups altogether, and my group had the theme song to scooby-doo. to make a long story short, we blew everyone away and won $3 gift certificates to marble slab. unfortunately, after finishing half of a huge banana split, i got a tummy-ache. then, when i got home, i had to send a fax. eh..actually it was more like an instant message. could call it an email bomb. but anyways, yea. today was awesome..6 month anniversary!! love ya jane!!

im out.