fallin f0r y0u: whenever someonee tries to wake ME up
OpHeEeNieEe: (scary)
fallin f0r y0u: i hide under the covers
OpHeEeNieEe: hahaa
fallin f0r y0u: and then when they grab my covers away
fallin f0r y0u: i shuffle around the bed for bout 10 minutes
OpHeEeNieEe: LOL
fallin f0r y0u: to make it look like im getting up
fallin f0r y0u: and then, if they leave, i just go back to sleep
OpHeEeNieEe: how deceptive
fallin f0r y0u: or , if they stay..
fallin f0r y0u: i get up and walk into my closet
fallin f0r y0u: and then they usually leave
fallin f0r y0u: and then i sleep on my closet floor
OpHeEeNieEe: o dear...hah
fallin f0r y0u: good system i got working here
OpHeEeNieEe: actually.. the closet isn't so bad
fallin f0r y0u: yea i know!
OpHeEeNieEe: or my closet isn't
OpHeEeNieEe: it's got like.. 2 sleeping bags in there
OpHeEeNieEe: open...
fallin f0r y0u: heh i love sleeping in there
fallin f0r y0u: wowww
OpHeEeNieEe: so i cud jus tlike blop
fallin f0r y0u: hey..thats a good idea...
fallin f0r y0u: i should set up a 2nd bed in there...
OpHeEeNieEe: actually.. during finals.. i studied in my closet
OpHeEeNieEe: yea
fallin f0r y0u: hah why?
OpHeEeNieEe: cuz.. my mom was being mean
OpHeEeNieEe: and decided to sing karaoke
fallin f0r y0u: lol
OpHeEeNieEe: and my sister and dad joined her
OpHeEeNieEe: so... i hid in my closet... which i discovered to be the most quiet place in m house
sleeping habits..good stuff.
btw, does anyone know where to go to apply for the
honors program at UT??