you ever have one of those "blah" weeks? well if you know what i'm talking about, then you know how my week has been. blah.
this year has gone by so fast. just like last year. but at the same time, i'm so ready for summer. as of now, i don't really have any definite plans for the next few months, but i just know i need a break from school. overall, i just feel really burnt out. anyone else get that feeling?
these next 2 weeks are also gonna require a lot of self-control. basketball playoffs start tomorrow, and there's at least 2 televised games every day for the next week. SIGH.
so i turned in an extra credit paper for my history class. the rule is you gotta get at least a B on the paper to receive the extra credit. i got my paper back..77. what the i go in for office hours, and my TA says to me: "i've decided to give you the B." yay. 5 minutes later, he says to me: "actually, i'm sorry, i really can't give you a B. this is a high-C paper." ...yay. what does that even mean?? i mean there's not even a grading rubric for grading the paper, so i don't even know where he coulda possibly came up with a grade of a 77. bleh.
ever since canoebq, i have basically only been wearing sleeveless t-shirts. why? no, not because i got amazingly swoll all of a sudden, but because i got a huge sunburn on both my shoulders. it hurt so much i couldn't even wear a backpack, or even sleeves. and now, one look at my shoulders and you would think my body's rotting away or something.
but i guess my week hasn't been ALL terrible. as i mentioned earlier, NBA playoffs start tomorrow, and at 4:30, the rockets and mavs are playing game 1 of their best of 7 series.
sorry dallas, maybe next year?