so about a week or so ago i had a nice, long post about random stuff. and then my computer crashed on me before i could publish it, and i was quite annoyed. but all hope is not lost, for i have decided not to ditch this blog just yet.
i feel like i've been going through a year-long writer's block. stuff will happen or thoughts will cross my mind, and i'll think about writing about them, but then i either forget or just don't know how to put it down on paper, figuratively speaking.
anyways, an interesting thing happened today. i got to my 9:30 marketing class a little early since it's just down the hall from my 8am, and i started talking to this girl in there about her weekend. i've known her since freshman year, when we were in the same ba101 class together.
so she mentions that she went to some waco missions conference thing over the weekend. i ask a few questions about it, and it sounded pretty interesting, so i decide to mention urbana to her. turns out she's never heard of it, and then i said something like, "yeah, it's going to be in st. louis this year; if you're interested in missions you should check it out."
"i'm just interested in GOD."
that was her reply. it kinda caught me by surprise, probably somewhat because it was at 9:25 in the morning, but mostly because it was just so direct. in today's society, i've found that the word "GOD" has become, unfortunately, pretty much taboo. in my business classes they always stress not talking about God, and if you have to talk about your faith, talk about a specific organization that you're involved in or leading.
it's gotten so bad i'm surprised quarters still have "in GOD we trust" engraved on them.
and it's not like it's just the "secular" world either. even in the Christian community, we lose sight of the big picture. sure, we're involved with activities and programs up the wazoo, but is that really what matters? of course not, and that was a rhetorical question. all of that means diddlysquat if the relationship with you and GOD isn't on the right track. if your heart's not in it, just don't do it.
unfortunately this doesn't just hurt individual people. it bleeds through into areas like outreach and witnessing and evangelizing. for some reason it still scares the bejeezees out of us when we set out to do something as simple as start a conversation with someone about their faith or beliefs. shouldn't it be the other way around? i mean, sharing your testimony is only the greatest news you could possibly give someone.
GOD isn't something to be ashamed of -- maybe it's time we start acting like it.