today was quite an interesting day.
went to eat breakfast with jane at about 6:30, since shes leaving with the orchestra to colorado today..
it was pretty good, except i was so tired that it was hard to stay awake..
but anyways..PE was especially interesting today.
even though i was really really tired, for some reason, the thought of slaughtering simon in basketball motivated me to dress out today..
well, turns out today was a MAJOR GRADE RUN IN PE!! yikes!
haha yeah, coach farley yelled out that it was a major grade run, and then this kid in his class yelps and runs over to his backpack and pulls out his PE clothes..
farley: sit down! on the side!
kid: but i have my clothes!
farley: go sit down!
kid: i have my stuff! just let me change!
farley: SIT DOWN!!
the kid then runs into the locker room, and within seconds, hes back in the gym sporting his PE outfit..
farley: sit down! on the side!
kid: just let me run!
farley: just sit down, man.
kid: cmon! i need this grade!
farley: sit DOWN.
kid: but why? this is ridiculous! why can't i run?!
..this convo goes on for quite some time..and then, coach rankin starts the clock, and everyone starts running..
a minute or so later, that kid starts running too..
it was quite entertaining to watch this entire episode, but then after the 12 minutes expired, farley still gave him a 0 for the day..
which enticed more whining from the kid..who started rambling on something about "planning to go to a college in boston, but because of coach farley, he would have to go to one in san diego instead"??
eh..iono. it was quite stupid..but, hey, what can you say? grade A chump right there..
after PE came english, where all we did in class was read out of the stupid literature book.
in the middle of class, i get a note from ms. bunton that said to go to her office IMMEDIATELY.
so, i trudge my way upstairs, where i am told about the entire absence thing..
it seems that a certain ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL *AHEM* BUNTON *AHEM* added up all my absences in every class spanning the entire SCHOOL YEAR.
so, instead of having 9, 3, 2, 3, and 3 absences in all my classes, respectively, i only have 6 absences in PE and 1 apiece for english and government.
what a relief!
anyhow, i gotta work at 5 today, so im gonna cut this short. post more..later?