Saturday, April 12, 2003

hehe 2nd day of dare 2 share was worth every bit of anticipation that i had bottled inside of me.

the day started off with some worship, a message, and then a quick break.
then some more worship, another message, and then a lunch break.
during lunch, i gotta watch some black guys play ball on 1 of the 2 indoor basketball courts at 1st baptist church of houston..insane.
some of the guys were scrubby, but i didnt getta chance to break their ankles cuz it was soon time to leave.

so, back we went, for some more worship and another message.
the speakers were all awesome..
and all of the various sessions were kept interesting by all the movie clips and skits and stuff..pretty nice stuff.
anyways, at about 5:00, we left the church to go collect some canned goods for the homeless as well as do some door-to-door evangelizing, if the opportunity created itself.

......ok, im sorry. im busy right now...ill continue this entry later..or, tomorrow. =)

Friday, April 11, 2003

woo!! DARE 2 SHARE!! awesome start to the 2-day event!
incredible worship, amazing speaker, and a captivating drama..very high quality.

this entire day was pretty cool. school was a breeze since half the senior class was gone for one reason or another..
physics day, blood drive, deca, etc etc..

i wasnt planning on donating blood, but then in calculus, i saw rahim throwing around a little spongey-ball. then i found out that he got it from the blood drive!!
i was SO excited..and when i found out that you get a free t-shirt as well, my heart jumped another beat.

so, mrs. stephenson allowed me to go give blood, so i ran to the girl's gym.
i signed in, filled out some form, and then saw the line of people. jeez it woulda taken about 2 hours to wait..and, i didnt wanna miss 6th period (we getta watch a movie in there), so i just took a spongey-ball and a t-shirt and took off.

well, dare 2 share continues tomorrow at 9 AM, so im gonna get some rest. can't wait til tomorrow!

Thursday, April 10, 2003

ahhh!! i miss JANE!!!
PE today, scott and i were playing one-on-one on the center basketball goal, when alla sudden, simon and dennis began shooting on the basket too. simon missed a shot, so i grabbed the rebound and hurled it to the other side of the gym.
simon, in retaliation, stole our basketball from scott and punted it into the corner..when coach farley was standing about 10 feet away from him.

farley then yelled "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, BOY?"

so, simon was ushered to the coach's table, where he was ordered to complete 35 pushups..LOL

hehe and then in calculus, mrs. stephenson was ready to go over some material with the rest of the class..

mrs. stephenson: alrite, let's start on the worksheet together.
eric: i know this stuff..i don't need any help..
mrs. stephenson: oh, i think you do.
eric: nope, i dont think so..
mrs. stephenson: in that case, you can come up here to the overhead and teach the class while i sit in the back and chuckle "oh what a chump"

ouch. can you say OWNAGE?
in an email my mom forwarded me:


Recently we have received credible intelligence that there have been seven
terrorists working in your office.

Six of the seven have been apprehended; Bin Sleepin, Bin Loafin, Bin Goofin, Bin
Lunchin, Bin Drinking and Bin As*-Kissin have all been taken into custody.

At this time, no one fitting the description of the seventh cell member, Bin
Workin, has been found anywhere near your office.

We are confident that anyone who looks like he's Bin Workin will be very easy to
spot. You are OBVIOUSLY not a suspect at this time.

Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense United States of America

lol kinda corny, but still pretty funny =)

fallin f0r y0u: better start praying tonight
SimY85: haha
SimY85: u kno what
fallin f0r y0u: what
SimY85: i found my J under my bed
SimY85: so im gonn pack it in my backpack
fallin f0r y0u: u kno what
SimY85: no first im gonna sleep next to it
SimY85: to get reaqcuainted
fallin f0r y0u: that was the gayest thing ive ever heard
SimY85: hehehe
SimY85: u kno where thats from right?
SimY85: brian boddicker said it before one of his gaems
SimY85: anyways
SimY85: get off me ho
SimY85: im out
fallin f0r y0u: ...

for the trash-talk impaired:
better start praying tonight = im gonna tear you up in basketball tomorrow
J = jumper; jumpshot
brian boddicker = simon's hero
simon = faggot

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

SimY85: do i have any chance of getting hired at swt water country club>
fallin f0r y0u: m..
fallin f0r y0u: yeah
fallin f0r y0u: but probably not in the restaurant
SimY85: hrmm
SimY85: now that school is over...
fallin f0r y0u: iono
fallin f0r y0u: you can try
fallin f0r y0u: i bet alot of people are trying to though
SimY85: hmm
SimY85: can u introduce me
SimY85: to the manager?
SimY85: and be like
SimY85: hey this is my friend
SimY85: who is looking for a job
fallin f0r y0u: lol
SimY85: u shall do it
SimY85: for i commandath u
fallin f0r y0u: ...
today was quite an interesting day.

went to eat breakfast with jane at about 6:30, since shes leaving with the orchestra to colorado today..
it was pretty good, except i was so tired that it was hard to stay awake..

but anyways..PE was especially interesting today.
even though i was really really tired, for some reason, the thought of slaughtering simon in basketball motivated me to dress out today..
well, turns out today was a MAJOR GRADE RUN IN PE!! yikes!

haha yeah, coach farley yelled out that it was a major grade run, and then this kid in his class yelps and runs over to his backpack and pulls out his PE clothes..

farley: sit down! on the side!
kid: but i have my clothes!
farley: go sit down!
kid: i have my stuff! just let me change!
farley: SIT DOWN!!

the kid then runs into the locker room, and within seconds, hes back in the gym sporting his PE outfit..

farley: sit down! on the side!
kid: just let me run!
farley: just sit down, man.
kid: cmon! i need this grade!
farley: sit DOWN.
kid: but why? this is ridiculous! why can't i run?!

..this convo goes on for quite some time..and then, coach rankin starts the clock, and everyone starts running..
a minute or so later, that kid starts running too..
it was quite entertaining to watch this entire episode, but then after the 12 minutes expired, farley still gave him a 0 for the day..
which enticed more whining from the kid..who started rambling on something about "planning to go to a college in boston, but because of coach farley, he would have to go to one in san diego instead"??
eh..iono. it was quite stupid..but, hey, what can you say? grade A chump right there..

after PE came english, where all we did in class was read out of the stupid literature book.
in the middle of class, i get a note from ms. bunton that said to go to her office IMMEDIATELY.
so, i trudge my way upstairs, where i am told about the entire absence thing..

it seems that a certain ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL *AHEM* BUNTON *AHEM* added up all my absences in every class spanning the entire SCHOOL YEAR.
so, instead of having 9, 3, 2, 3, and 3 absences in all my classes, respectively, i only have 6 absences in PE and 1 apiece for english and government.
what a relief!

anyhow, i gotta work at 5 today, so im gonna cut this short. post more..later?

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

somewhere between PG13 and rated R...

the freakin' brothers
fallin f0r y0u: ..ok WHERE IS MY IVERSON JERSEY?!?!?
fallin f0r y0u: ack..i wanted to wear it tomorrow..
DarkJediPete: come naked i'll bring it
fallin f0r y0u: ok

alrite..if you insist..
WOW the weather was just AWESOME today!!
who woulda thought that the day after having such stinky, muggy, damp weather, today would by cool and sunny? just wonderful =)

anyways..just wondering..but..
is anyone"allergic" to sunlight?
i know, after you walk out of school at the end of the day, and the sun is shining into your eyes, do you sneeze? i just a freak?
whenever i am suddenly exposed to a bright bright light (such as the sun), i cant help but sneeze..
so, just wondering if theres any other weirdos out there who suffer from this =P
fallin f0r y0u (1:06:27 AM): im actually studying
littlecanoe4111 (1:07:44 AM): wow!!!
littlecanoe4111 (1:07:49 AM): i'm jealous i wish i could study...

stRyder514: craig worth has gotta be the worse player ever
stRyder514: he just stands there... like a tree
stRyder514: wait ... nevermind he's not the worst
stRyder514: forgot bout moochie
fallin f0r y0u: lol
fallin f0r y0u: hahah
fallin f0r y0u: true true
stRyder514: my dad curses at him in cantonese
fallin f0r y0u: hahaha

Monday, April 07, 2003

freaking CRAZY news..
according to my assistant principal, i have lost exemptions in EVERY CLASS except CALCULUS because of absences.
i have NO IDEA how this could even be POSSIBLE, but heres the count:

1st period: 2 absences
2nd period: 5 absences
3rd period: 9 absences
4th period: 3 absences
5th period: 2 absences
6th period: 3 absences
7th period: 3 absences

now this is rather curious, seeing to it that I DONT EVEN HAVE A 1ST OR 2ND PERIOD CLASS.
and furthermore, there is NO WAY that i have that many absences in my other classes..
MAYBE 9 in PE, but i dont really care about that..cept for the fact that if i miss ONE MORE DAY, i CANT GRADUATE.
ok, really stressed out right now, trying to find SOME PROOF for days that i was at school..ugh..
mission impossible?!
gotta talk to ms. bunton tomorrow..
wish me luck..

when you're feeling lost in the night,
when you feel your world just ain't right
call on me, i will be waiting
count on me, i will be there
anytime the times get too tough,
anytime your best ain't enough
i'll be the one to make it better,
i'll be there to protect you,
see you through,
i'll be there and there is nothing
i won't do.

i will cross the ocean for you
i will go and bring you the moon
i will be your hero your strength
anything you need
i will be the sun in your sky
i will light your way for all time
promise you,
for you I will.

i will shield your heart from the rain
i will let no harm come your way
oh these arms will be your shelter
no these arms won't let you down,
if there is a mountain to move
i will move that mountain for you
i'm here for you, i'm here forever
i will be your fortress, tall and strong
i'll keep you safe,
i'll stand beside you, right or wrong

monica - for you i will

happy 13 months, jane!!
DarkJediPete: man in college...
DarkJediPete: seriously....
DarkJediPete: ur gonna get fat
DarkJediPete: sitting around
DarkJediPete: eating
DarkJediPete: playing
DarkJediPete: sleeping
fallin f0r y0u: dude
fallin f0r y0u: thats what ive been doing for the past 18 years
fallin f0r y0u: and i body fat
DarkJediPete: hehe poo
DarkJediPete: i hate you

Sunday, April 06, 2003

after peter wang and i finished the government project, eric chan, the other member of our group, IMs me..

supra719: oh shi* gov proj heh
fallin f0r y0u: yeah man
fallin f0r y0u: you go finish the rest of it
fallin f0r y0u: we finished most of it
supra719: ok
supra719: send it over and what am i supposed to do
fallin f0r y0u: you just make 4 posters and come up with a 5 minute skit
supra719: 4 posters?!?
supra719: why so many
fallin f0r y0u: cuz..
fallin f0r y0u: for all the leaders
fallin f0r y0u: of the agriculutre committee
supra719: aww
supra719: who are the leaders
supra719: what did you guys do?
supra719: !@#$ can they be half posters
fallin f0r y0u: walter mccarty, keon clark, and joe
supra719: hmm
supra719: that's only two
fallin f0r y0u: just look up information for the 1st 2 first
supra719: dude walter mccarty plays on the celtics
fallin f0r y0u: thats not the right one then...
supra719: dam*it keon clark plays on sacramento
supra719: are you shi*ting me
fallin f0r y0u: ..its a different keon clark then..
supra719: you wanker
supra719: 13th pick...what a chump

fell asleep yesterday night at about 2 AM shirtless and with the fan on..
and then today i woke up with a cold and a sore throat., yeah..missed church today, but at least i dont hafta go to work anymore..
i getta stay home and read wuthering heights! yes!

anyways, im still trying to cope with the shock of UT losing yesterday to syracuse..
what the crap..*sigh* oh well..just shows how much UT needs ME. =P

on a side note, is anyone else getting freaked out with this SARS thing going on in hong kong and the rest of asia?
i mean..i was planning on stopping by HK for about 1-2 weeks in the summer before heading to thailand for the mission trip, but now im having 2nd thoughts..
so, the question is: should i still go to hong kong?!