farewell 2004. wow what a good year it was..
..but let's now look back on the past. that's what old people do. instead, let's look to the future. cuz we're still young kids. right? just say yes so i won't feel like an old hag.
oh, btw, happy new year, everybody. hope everyone is enjoying their holiday break before we have to trudge back to school. school..which reminds me..now how about that rose bowl? =) that was THE best football game i have EVER seen. honestly, i could not watch another football game for the rest of my life and be completely content. vince young, you are my hero.
well anyways, with every january 1, i suppose new year's resolutions should be shared. i don't really have any official ones, but i'll try to think of some now off the top of my head..
i'm going to be more intentional in my friendships. self-explanatory, i believe.
fried food once a week at the most. education majors, please don't panic. i know that was not a complete sentence, so please calm down. i've decided that my planned "no fried food" diet was a bit on the extreme side, especially for me, so i think it's best to just say that i'll eat that good stuff (fries, tatertots, etc) only once a week at the most. for those of you who believed in me and thought i could truly go without fried food until my 21st birthday, thank you. for those of you who didn't, screw you and your common sense.
when at UT, sleep by 1:30 AM (for the most part). how did i come up with this absurd number? well right now my schedule for the spring semester tells me that my earliest class is at 11:00 AM each day. and i know that gregory gym closes at 1:00 AM each night. so, including time necessary to take a shower and brush my teeth, i should get about 9 hours of sleep, give or take a few minutes. 9 hours a night? is it possible? i hope so.
guard my eyes. i know i've made this commitment sometime before, but there's no harm in reiterating it, correct? i think i've been doing a pretty good job with the movie selections and stuff, so i'm gonna continue with the "no-R-rated-movies-for-sexual-content" rule.
ESPN sportscenter should not be watched more than twice. you know, i never realized how much time a day i wasted watching sportscenter. it's amazing, really. i mean, i know that they're showing the exact same highlights with the exact same broadcasters, but hey, it's just mesmerizing, okay? honestly, without sports, where would this world be? what would guys do? every guy would just sit around and play warcraft like my roommate. okay, sorry peter. that was a low blow. my bad.
alright it's getting late, so that's all i can think of right now. maybe i'll add more later. have a good 2005, everybody.