after dinner at fuddrucker's, we went to look for some college dorm room furniture and whatnot. finally it was time for HS fellowship. it was pretty awesome today. started out with worship and then a game like sherades. team 3 owned up, of course. so easy! haha especially words like hope, amazing grace, heart of worship, and creation. '03, baby!! =P
what really highlighted the night was the message from this guy who talked about the true meaning of worship. wow, that message just hit home for me. he talked bout exactly what i really learned at atlanta, and it was just awesome hearing every point that he made, cuz i agreed with all of his points.
after fellowship, we had a quick full-court pick-up bball game, UT/a&m-bound vs. all. i dont think i hafta really tell you guys who won THAT game ;)
now lemme take some time to tell a quick little story. true story, btw. i dont wanna use real names, or the real name of the person who got owned, but let's just call him/her "buiey". i was pulling out of the church parking lot, when all of a sudden, buiey was trying to back out. so i stopped my car behind buiey and noticed this lonely antenna ball on buiey. so i quickly got out of the car and rescued jack the antenna ball from the heat. then i started to go on my way home. so here i am, driving along highway 6, when buiey comes up next to me and then proceeds to cut me off! so i switched lanes, and buiey cut me off again. i was planning to stop by sonic's to pick up a nice, cool drink, but since i was stuck at the stoplight with buiey in front of me, i decided to pull into the stop 'n go to get a quick drink. so i go into the store, pick out a bottle of sprite remix, pay for it at the counter, and go back out to the car. so im driving down highway 6, take a right onto austin parkway, and 2 stop signs later, lo and behold, its buiey again! wow, this buiey is a real speedster, eh? i had the time to get out of the car, into a store, buy a drink, get back in the car, and still catch up to buiey. nice try, buiey. better luck next time.