Friday, March 26, 2004

MegamiMeiko: i look forward to reading your blog everyday
MegamiMeiko: even though sometimes i'm disappointed by utter crap
MegamiMeiko: but at least u update -_-;;

Thursday, March 25, 2004

just a few more minutes..

i hate how time is never on my side. either there's too much time, or not enough. passing me by too quickly, or unbearably slow.

i have finally figured out why my normal 8 hours of sleep does not seem to be enough anymore. my first assumption was that it must be the carlag from spring break, but alas, all the blame must go to greg. gregory gym, that is.

so i've made a commitment for the 2nd half of this 2nd semester to work out at least 3 times a week, among other things. so far my streak has hit 2 days. jaw-dropping, is it not? unfortunately, my body is so entirely sore at the moment that im probably gonna have to wait until next week to resume my body-scuplting process...again. but hey, i waited for an entire half of a semester, why can't i put it off for just a few more days? =P

apparently, working out has caused my body to no longer be satisfied with the substantial 8 hours of sleep that i was accustomed to last semester. man, bodies these days; they're so spoiled. they take EVERYTHING for granted. but yeah, so now i am unbelievably tired. not to mention unbelievably sore.

anyhow, my other commitments are to do DAILY devotions and to go to POP at least once a week. *sigh here comes another "unfortunately." unfortunately, i've been really busy the past 3 days, and today at 5, i have to go listen to some speaker. so i suppose this too will have to wait until next week.

but it's ok, at least i've been doing my quiet times. props to me. from you.

j/w, anyone have any good poll ideas?

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

the fear of failure

last sunday, john lin gave a message concerning the fear of failure. after having some time to think about it, i realize that this is a fear that takes captive of every single person in one way or another.

why is the thought of failing at something so intimidating?

err..ok, stay tuned. i will edit this post later tonight. gtg now.

*edit* well done, good and faithful servant! you have withstood the test of time. i commend you for your patience.

it's funny how achievement-oriented this world is, isn't it? we have been brought up in a world that rewards first place and claims that second place is nothing more than the "first loser." no wonder the fear of failure has such a strong hold on us.

eh, sorry. i sorta lost my train of thought in the past few hours. i don't remember where i was trying to go with this anymore. oh boohoo.

haha this has gotta be one of my most retarded posts ever. oh well. tune in again tomorrow. good night!

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

just a few pictures..

thanksgiving break

spring break

Monday, March 22, 2004

laughter is the best medicine

i got a ride from raymond to come back to UT today. after packing all my stuff into his car at the yau house, we drove to pick up willis. afterwards, we picked up tina and her buttload of luggage, and then we headed towards UT.

5 minutes later..

simon: oh crap, i forgot my Bible!
raymond: you want to go back?
me: it's ok, you don't need it.
willis: cmon, that's the FIRST thing i pack.

so we decide to head back..
but 2 minutes later..

tina: *whispering* oh crap, i forgot my retainer!
me: ...
tina: *still whispering* but i don't wanna tell them!
me: we gotta go back to tina's house -- she forgot her retainer.
raymond: are you joking?

30 seconds later..

me: oh crap, i forgot MY retainer!
raymond: are you KIDDING me?

haha ok i thought that was pretty funny.

this could also be viewed as somewhat humorous: trying to make butter out of buttermilk. no, don't try it. it doesn't work.

oh and happy belated birthday janie! and happy on-time birthday melvin!

oh and PS, new thug of the week. jon-erik, i need his thug name.