Saturday, October 25, 2003

bam warrior: let's go ball
bam warrior: hey
bam warrior: you
bam warrior: stop daocing
bam warrior: fag
LeXlAnTiS: nah
LeXlAnTiS: good xp man
bam warrior: you need some xp on the court
bam warrior: noob
LeXlAnTiS: im level 50 on the court dog
bam warrior: yeah but you're in the wrong realm
bam warrior: im a player
bam warrior: you're a benchwarmer
bam warrior: your only attack is "cheer"
bam warrior: and "whine"
LeXlAnTiS: hahaha
LeXlAnTiS: nice

dark ages of camelot is evil. don't ever play that game.
i think im having a writer's block. i can't put my thoughts into words at all.

ok, maybe some ps2 will help.

Friday, October 24, 2003

Your Love is Amazing

Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging
Your love is a mountain firm beneath my feet
Your love is a mystery, how it gently lifts me
When I am surrounded, your love carries me

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Your Love makes me sing

Your love is surprising, I can feel it rising
All the joy that’s growing deep inside of me
Every time I see you, all your goodness shines through
I can feel this God song rising up in me

Yes you make me sing
Lord You make me sing, sing, sing

How You make me sing

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Draw Me Close to You

Draw me close to You
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear You say that I'm Your friend
You are my desire
No one else will do
'Cause nothing else could take Your place
To feel the warmth of Your embrace
Help me find the way
Bring me back to You

You're all I want
You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want
Help me know You are near

i hate when life begins to seem like a routine. lately ive been in a bit of a rut i guess you could say. i just don't really feel like myself -- not sure what the reason is. i've been doing QTs and everything, but somehow, deep down inside, it still leaves me feeling empty and wondering what's missing. then, i flipped through Rick Warren's book again and fell upon chapter 14: When God Seems Distant.

i read through it again, and man, what an awesome encouragement. it just reminded me that "in [my] relationship with God, [I] won't always feel close to him." but then of course, it's not about emotions, or feelings, or anything like that. it's about faith. i know that He's here with me, even when i don't necessarily feel His presence.

mk 2 midterms tomorrow. Philippians 4:13...

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

bam warrior: hey
CheRrYsWeEt00: nick?
bam warrior: hah no
CheRrYsWeEt00: who
bam warrior: mok
CheRrYsWeEt00: jenn?
bam warrior: hahaha no
CheRrYsWeEt00: jon mok?!!?
bam warrior: haha yes

hehe iono why i found this so funny..

..ahh im losing my mind..too much chumping!!!
- author unknown

I dreamed I had an interview with God.
“So you would like to interview me?” God asked.
“If you have the time” I said.
God smiled. “My time is eternity.”
“What questions do you have in mind for me?”
“What surprises you most about humankind?”
God answered...
“That they get bored with childhood,
they rush to grow up, and then
long to be children again.”
“That they lose their health to make money...
and then lose their money to restore their health.”
“That by thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget the present,
such that they live in neither
the present nor the future.”
"That they live as if they will never die,
and die as though they had never lived.”
God’s hand took mine
and we were silent for a while.
And then I asked...
“As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons
you want your children to learn?”
“To learn they cannot make anyone
love them. All they can do
is let themselves be loved.”
“To learn that it is not good
to compare themselves to others.”
“To learn to forgive
by practicing forgiveness.”
“To learn that it only takes a few seconds
to open profound wounds in those they love,
and it can take many years to heal them.”
“To learn that a rich person
is not one who has the most,
but is one who needs the least.”
“To learn that there are people
who love them dearly,
but simply have not yet learned
how to express or show their feelings.”
“To learn that two people can
look at the same thing
and see it differently.”
“To learn that it is not enough that they
forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves.”
"Thank you for your time," I said humbly.
"Is there anything else
you would like your children to know?"
God smiled and said,
“Just know that I am here... always.”

got it from michelle's blog..thought it was quite tazight.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Tony Help Me: hey...your monday blog was real mushy
bam warrior: lol
bam warrior: not THAT mushy
Tony Help Me: so mushy it made my mashed potatoes seem like diamonds
bam warrior: hahaha

Tony Help Me: whatever...i know deep down you're a big softie
Tony Help Me: but then again, one man's softie is another mans knuckle sandwich
SuN fulla FuN: plus if we go on a weekday, we can actually sit in one of your classes
SuN fulla FuN: which is more beneficial isnt it?
bam warrior: ....
bam warrior: uhhh
bam warrior: lol
SuN fulla FuN: cuz that gives you more college experience
SuN fulla FuN: ? :D
bam warrior: if you want to sleep
bam warrior: yeah its beneficial
SuN fulla FuN: aiya
SuN fulla FuN: then again they wanna go into like nursing or whatnot
SuN fulla FuN: and you guys are all boring EE
SuN fulla FuN: ;D
bam warrior: hey now
bam warrior: not me
SuN fulla FuN: EEE?
SuN fulla FuN: hahah
bam warrior: dont put me into them nerds' category
SuN fulla FuN: ooh ok
SuN fulla FuN: youre business arent you?
bam warrior: yep 8-)
SuN fulla FuN: ok then
SuN fulla FuN: youre no geek
SuN fulla FuN: ;D
bam warrior: word.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Half our time is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.
- Will Rogers

i love reminiscing. it's as simple as that. i think back on all the memories that make up my past, and i can't help but smile at all of the many blessings God has provided me.

this is the mushy, teary-eyed portion of my blog post, so if you don't like this stuff, skip ahead to the next paragraph. heh j/k, im not actually crying or anything, but today marks the date of my brother's 15th birthday, and it is really bringing alot of memories back to mind. at times, i still can't believe that im in college. it all passed by too fast. it seems like just yesterday when i would have to take my brother and sister here and there. hard to believe, but now i think i actually miss that. it's weird seeing friends that i used to see everyday last year only once or twice a month now. it's even stranger not seeing my parents everyday; i guess back at home, it's just something i always took for granted. now that im up here, no longer can i just step outside whenever i felt the urge to shoot a couple of hoops with jason. i miss being able to block all of his shots and steal the ball from him whenever i wanted to. now each time i return home, i find out he's even been stealing some of my basketball moves on the court. now what's up with that? =P

time is such a tricky thing. quoting a great mind, "time.. is a funny much of it...but so little at the same time." man, how true. there are days where time just seems to drag by, and yet, there are also days where it seems 24 hours is nowhere near enough time.

speaking of not having enough time, i gotta go study some sociology.

happy birthday jason!
i've forgotten how to study.

Sunday, October 19, 2003

quote of the day:

"wow, you Sugar Land boys are gay."
- Katie Chong

this came after our final IM football game, when she witnessed some HE wrestling involving jeremy, tim, and phil.

*sigh* cmon being put into your category too..

remember what cynthia said about the "creepy guy list"? yeah, let's steer clear of that, shall we?
not my will but Your will be done

so today peter and i couldn't find a ride to church. big bummer, but i've learned my lesson: gotta go down to the beach at 9:45 AM instead of 10:05 AM to bum a ride to ACC. after eating breakfast at jcl, peter and i decided to download a sermon for sunday service in our dorm room. so we go to the fbcc high school fellowship website to look for one of john lin's messages, but unfortunately, there were none to be found. so we downloaded one of pastor ed's messages on worship, but there was no video to go with it. so finally peter finds some sermon with both audio AND video, and sunday service begins.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD . As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
- Isaiah 55:8-9

this is a passage that the pastor shared during his message, and it has definitely been an answer to my prayers. lately ive been somewhat concerned about various issues concerning my future. i've had a lot of questions in my mind as to why certain things were playing out as they were. but what an awesome reminder this passage is.

i may not have all the answers to all of the questions in my mind, but at the same time, i don't need to. God has a reason behind everything, and no matter what i may consider a better option, He always knows what He's doing.

along the same lines, i just remembered about this card that i've kept in my wallet since the Atlanta mission trip this summer. before the trip, everyone on the missions team received a small card and a stone. on the back of the card was written "keep this stone in your pocket & remember that God is worthy and in control!"

well, i lost the stone on that same day in the car ride, but i've kept the card:

yep, that's right.

Relax, God's in charge.