Saturday, February 09, 2002

liltotorocutiee: yes u r homosexual
fallin f0r y0u: true true
fallin f0r y0u: im not
fallin f0r y0u: wait..
fallin f0r y0u: u callin me a girl..?
fallin f0r y0u: or..jane a guy?
liltotorocutiee: hahaha no ur a girl.....and janes a girll...but she doesnt know ur a girl.. so thats why she likes u
liltotorocutiee: but u should tell her the truth about urself..
liltotorocutiee: its not right to lead her on making her think ur really a guy


awesome feeling: while playin ball at church, blocking stanley twice =)

sheer joy~

lol anyways, g/l to everyone doin solo/ensemble today!

Friday, February 08, 2002

hm..theres somethin called "awana olympics" coming up..and since im da game leader for fbcc..i getta read a huge packet of info!! then i getta pick 20-30 kids outta hundreds to go!! ahhhh the fun-ness of it all..

ahh today was so tiring..i literally slept the whole day..
i woke up at 2:30 in da afternoon..talked on the phone a bit..and then went back to sleeping..

"u cannot hurt me! i have bone like a donkey!"

Thursday, February 07, 2002

SimY85: jk...ill take pleasure in beatin yall
SimY85: mark my words
fallin f0r y0u: ...ok

talkin bout intramurals..hmm..just here for future reference.
ah..3 day weekend..plain and simple: AWESOME.

hmm..decided not to call in to find out my SAT score tomorrow..
agh..$13?? freakin scoundrels..

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

tonight i went to use the translator at in order to translate my spanish words to study for my vocab quiz tomorrow. i am, typing away, gettin translations, hey, its pretty nice..
then, alla sudden, i come to the word "capo."
i look it up in my pocket dictionary first, but its not there.
so, i type it in the box where it says: to translate plain text, type or paste here
so, i type it in: capo
hit the translate button
then this comes up:
in spanish: capo
in english: I castrate

hm..that cant be right..

lalala now someone PLZ tell me wth is goin on in chem..

chem test tomorrow..screwed once again?

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

omg..kiss - because im a girl is sooo good tho..hmm..wonder how many ppl would love u enough to do that..

Monday, February 04, 2002

ahh..didnt kno i hadda pair candide w/ another book.
hmm..reading packet due wednesday..
so far, ive done..nothing.
is it possible?
hmm..valentines day is approaching..such indecisiveness..ahh..

wut to get?!

Sunday, February 03, 2002

lol patriots!!
haha somehow, i find their miracle season somewhat funny..
man it sucks to be a st. louis ram's fan right now..haha

anyway, weekend is comin to an end..
in a way im saddened by it, but then again, skools not TOO bad..hehe