Saturday, July 10, 2004

HEYO! if you're looking for an update, i'm still alive and well after being here in scotland for a week. the weather is still a bit cooler than i expected, but i'm lovin' it. food is great (especially when i cook it =P ), and life is good.

i updated my ofoto, for you picture-lovers =) i even took the time to put CAPTIONS. sigh, how exhausting.


Thursday, July 08, 2004

Mr. Not-so-perfect

After doing my quiet times a couple days ago, I started humming. Strangely enough, instead of the usual Moulin Rouge or Backstreet Boys or Westlife or even 98 Degrees melody, I found myself humming the chorus to “The Reason,” by Hoobastank.

I’ve found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is You

I smiled after remembering someone tell me that her church had sung this song during worship service, and I thought about it for a minute.

The first thing that came to mind was a comment that I had heard from someone close to me concerning my blog, about how everything I put on here makes it seem as if I live a perfect Christian life. Of course, this was not my intention at all, but I guess it’s time to be real.

I saw this Joel Osteen quote on someone’s profile a few weeks ago: “The church isn't a museum to display perfect people; it's a hospital to help the hurting.” I would just like to take this opportunity to tell everyone that I am, in fact, NOT PERFECT. Woah. Shocker, huh?

Don’t worry, nothing I type here is too personal. I mean, honestly, who knows who reads this thing. Hopefully, some of you will be able to help me stay accountable for these things – I’d appreciate it. Nothing below will be appalling enough to make you treat me differently, unless, uh, you really did think I was perfect. If that is the case, then I am flattered…?

In the past month or so, I suppose ever since I started concentrating on “I Kissed Dating Goodbye,” I have been in somewhat of a stage of reflection. You know, thinking about stuff that could be changed or improved in my life, personality traits I’d like to get rid of, and habits I’d like to form.

The first thing that came to mind was my patience. Or, unfortunately at times, the lack thereof. I just read this during my quiet time:

Patience: It’s an odd word in this “aspirin age” where relief from pain and problems is just two pills and a swallow of water away. In a society that pioneered “presto living” through such everyday commodities as microwaves, frozen gourmet dinners, and minute rice, patience seems like some concept from a time warp – as outdated as typewriters and phonograph records.

Yet the Bible’s standards haven’t changed. Patience is the trademark stamp of God’s Holy Spirit in your life. As with love, joy, peace, and the other fruit of the Spirit, God wants to grow more patience in your life: patience to persist when you fail the first time; patience to endure hardship and personal struggles without griping, knowing you’ll somehow be stronger in the end; patience to listen when your parents ramble about “back when I was your age…”

Patience is not honking when stuck on the freeway behind the little old lady from Pasadena; it’s not kicking a hole in the door when locked out by your kid sister. Patience is waiting for God’s absolute best in your life, whether a marriage partner or a job. This kind of patience will not sprout overnight. The making of a Christian who is Christllike is a timely process that God does not rush.

The book of James talks a lot about patience. James launches the first chapter with the words: “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors” (The Message). It’s important that we let pressure do its work, he adds, “so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.” In other words, the hardships you’d prefer to sidestep are the very things you should patiently and joyfully endure.

Grit your teeth, but don’t forget to smile! Don’t let you dailly problems at home, work, or school drive you to panic – let them drive you joyfully to patience…and to a closer relationship with Christ. As a Christian, you are to be what Amy Carmichael calls “the Lord’s diehards, to whom can be committed any kind of trial of endurance, and who can be counted upon to stand firm whatever happens.”

The Lord’s diehard. Now THAT would be tight.

The second issue is my pride. Although it hasn’t been too big of an issue as of late, I believe every guy out there knows what I’m talking about. I’m sure it’s probably the number one problem for many guys. The need to be the best at something. The need to have the last word. The need to win. It’s time to change. I want to be the most humble person in the world! Just kidding.

And finally, I want to improve my ability to be one of those “no-matter-what” kind of friends. The word I’m looking for isn’t coming to mind at the moment, but it’s pretty easy to explain. I want to be able to realize that no one is perfect. I want to be able to overlook other people’s shortcomings. I want to be able to accept people just the way they are. I want to be able to see people using God’s eyes. I want to be able to be friendly to people no matter how they treat me. I want to be able to love people no matter what.

So there it is, plain and simple. What do I expect to come out of all this? Well, that’s obvious: to become a perfect person, duh.

Just kidding again. I’m not really sure. I guess for me, this is just the first step of noticing the areas I need to change in my life, and realizing that I can’t do it alone. But I mean, nothing is impossible for God, right? Right. I still have hope.

Better yet, I still have faith. Faith that with God’s help, I will become the man He wants me to be. Like Abe Lincoln once said, “Faith is not believing that God can, but that God will!

Faith. I love that word.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

better days
- point of grace

Better days are on the way, my friend
Just a ways on down the line
I believe that just around the bend
Everything’s gonna be fine
Better days are just a dream right now
It’s like all you do is pray
But the world keeps turning
Bringing us better days

I believe in better days

my heart is aching. for real.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

speedy gonzalez

hey gang. quick update..

had my first 2 days of class, and it's going alright so far, i guess. one class seems rather interesting, and the other one is just sorta "bleh," but i'm sure that'll probably change for the better. well, i shouldn't have to pay for internet anymore, because i'm at a 24-hour computer lab right now! yippy skippy. it's only about a 10-minute walk from campus across a BEAUTIFUL open field simply called "the meadows." oh, i will try to put my pictures up soon.

oh, and for those of you even somewhat interested, i started watching my korean drama that i bought in hong kong! apparently, it's the very best korean drama ever made (or at least that's what i'm told), and so far, i'm pretty much hooked. i have to control myself to make sure i don't watch more than one episode a day. sigh. drama drama drama.

anyways, i miss being home a lot. hope you guys are having fun and enjoying the rest of your summer. don't forget about me, and i'll try not to forget about you.

j/k. take care, everyone.

Monday, July 05, 2004

1st time for everything

before anything else, i just gotta share this. this made my day:

hey there,
you don't know me but i've been reading your blog regularly for some time now. hope it doesn't freak you out that a complete stranger is almost stalking you (electronically, that is), but i found your blog when i was doing a google search for some song lyrics, and got hooked because it was so hilarious. just thought i'd take this opportunity to tell you what an encouragement your posts have been. thanks for all the testimonies that you've shared and for showing that being a christian is really something to be proud of. :)

first email i checked today, so i guess i'm sorta compelled to update this thing. let's see..anything new?

alright let me tell you about my 2 "first-time-in-my-life" happenings yesterday.

so after orientation, the whole group headed over to a local sports pub called "the tron" to watch the european cup championship game between portugal and greece.

(just a side note for all you sports fans: greece won! freakin' amazing. before this year, greece had never won a european cup. actually, they had never even won a GAME in the european cup. and now they won it all! oh, and portugal had home-court advantage for the entire tournament, so that doubly sucks for them)

ok so back to the story. so the legal drinking age in the UK is 18 o_O

before you get ahead of yourself, don't worry. nothing bad happened; i didn't do anything stupid. i don't owe anyone a lot of money, and i didn't make any enemies on my 2nd night in scotland.

although this DOES remind me of a conversation i remember having with johanna about getting drunk. i mean, sure it sucks the next morning, but i was arguing that i'd still like to know what it FEELS like to get drunk. does anyone else agree with me? hm, maybe it's a good poll question.

anyhow, i didn't get drunk, so boo. j/k.

my first yager shot?

my first double-shot jack daniels + coke?

two of my newfound pals were nice or drunk enough to buy me these drinks. saved me at least $10, so i'm not complaining. so after all this, it's still a mystery to me why people enjoy drinking so much.

i mean, seriously. what is so good about drinking? is it all about image? showing people that you can down 10 shots without passing out? is that supposed to impress people?

well, whatever it is, it certainly isn't a TASTE thing, cuz those drinks tasted NASTY and SEMI-NASTY, respectively.

my conclusion: alcohol still sucks.

ok i'm out. i am STARVING.

Sunday, July 04, 2004


you know, one of the coolest things about scotland is how they greet each other. instead of saying the normal "hello" or "good day," people here say "holla" and proceed to slap hands.

anyways, so i'm in scotland. i've only been here about a day and a half, but i must say that i am loving it so far. the weather is a very nice refreshment from the mugginess of sugar land, even with the rain. 55 degree weather in the "summer"? happy birthday to me.

so i got here pretty much without a problem. slept, watched movies, and read my textbook on the 9-hour plane ride from houston to london. the 2nd flight, from london to edinburgh, was about 1/2 an hour, so that was nice.

everything here is rather on the expensive side. apparently, as i found out at the airport, the business law program that i am a part of does not provide any meals. yay. so alan, tina, and i have spent about a total of about $60 buying groceries, which will HOPEFULLY last at least a week and a half. i get to learn how to cook my own food! =)

my dorm room is more like an apartment. it's 2 stories, with 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a kitchen. a LOT better than i expected, to say the least.

well, right now, i'm at an internet cafe about 3 minutes away from my dorm. we get a tour of the university tomorrow, including the whereabouts of the 24-hour computer lab, so i probably won't be here very often.

lala..let's see, what else..

EM ileee936: tina said its really cold haha
mok says: tina's a wimp.

if you didn't know already. haha jk..but it's definitely funny seeing how much of a clean freak she is. i'm gonna do my best to make as big of a mess in our flat as i can. first thing she says when she walks into her room: "we need to go grocery shopping. i need LYSOL."

sigh. hopefully i don't return home like her. =X

alright guys. my time's running out, and i don't want to pay another 50 pence for another 1/2 an hour. gonna go to some sports pub to watch the championship game for the european cup =)


(oh btw, i was kidding about the whole "holla" thing. although that WOULD be pretty cool.)