Saturday, February 08, 2003

the true love waits rally was pretty good..
the 2 testimonies and the speaker really made the night worthwhile..

hehe the "special" music was tight too..
and the "dramas" were unbelievably spectacular!!
haha.. like to give a big thanks to jon-erik for helping me out with finding travis stewart's house..
you see, i was supposed to drop off a floppy disk at travis's house on thursday, but i couldnt find out where he lived.
and then, when i found out, i forgot about it.
so, yeah. JE came with me today after the rally to look for his house, and when we finally stopped in front of the presumed location, neither of us was sure.
so i called home, got my dad to look in the clements directory, and found out that it was the house! yipee!
but then, it was already 11:00, so i decided that we should call travis before we walked up to the door.
JE dialed the number and tried to hand the phone to me. i shook my head and made him call.
i had it won! ..or so i thought..

JE: hello? hi, is travis home? no? o, ok. yea, he can call me tomorrow. this is..jonathan mok."

argh..that sneaky fellow..
but turns out, travis was out, so i ended up just giving the floppy disk to his dad.

aannndddd..that just about wraps it up for today..
join us again tomorrow, as we witness the February 9th edition of Jonathan Mok's life.
for all of us here at mok's blog, im jonathan mok, and have a good night.




hm..i only hadda work from 10-12 today..
but then i volunteered to work tomorrow from 5-9.

hehe hey, who couldnt use a few extra dollars?

got the silver kswiss tongue-twisters today!!
(see left column for link)

Friday, February 07, 2003

at d-group yesterday:

jeremy: hey simon, there's something on your head!
simon: *brushes his hair to get the piece of fluff out*
me: uhh..thats his face.
simon: *with that "tough" look on his face* alrite hold me back hold me back!


ahh-lex: you know, whenever im taking a shower, i just look at my hands, and im like "woah! i have fingers! ten of them! and they stick out of my hand!"

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

WOW there was a catfight at school today.
these 2 girls -- a huge hispanic girl and a scrawny white girl -- were hitting each other as a crowd formed.
things seemed to settle down after a couple of seconds, but then as the crowd got larger, the hitting resumed for another few seconds. then everyone applauded and dispersed.
i was wondering if any teachers or principals saw the fight, but then i looked up, and lo and behold, there on the ceiling was a camera that had caught the entire incident on tape.

anyways, in calculus, i found out that i got a 6 on the TML yesterday! yahoo!
hehe mrs. stephenson walked around and she said to me, "congratulations! you got a 6! students in my other classes were asking me if you were actually smart or not.."

what?! just LOOK at me. is there ANY doubt? (..rhetorical question)

3 cool guys

kinda old, but its all good =]

warning: you may not understand the poses taken in this photograph if you are not acquainted with scott chou's gayness.
note: the people in this photograph are not homosexual. i repeat, NOT homosexual.
AlL uRz11: go to sleep
fallin f0r y0u: haha
fallin f0r y0u: why?
AlL uRz11: becuz its late and u have school tommorrow
fallin f0r y0u: so..?
fallin f0r y0u: what about YOU
fallin f0r y0u: ..dont tell me
AlL uRz11: im doing to florida
fallin f0r y0u: i dont wanna hear it
AlL uRz11: haha
fallin f0r y0u: I DONT WANNA HEAR IT
fallin f0r y0u: ugh. meanie-butt.
AlL uRz11: haha
fallin f0r y0u: ah actually doing homework
AlL uRz11: haha even better
AlL uRz11: hehe
fallin f0r y0u: grr..
AlL uRz11: im gonna go sleep now so i guess ill talk to you later...see u next week and have fun at school sweet..
telling me to have fun in school!
wait, FUN..SCHOOL? used in the same sentence?!
fallin f0r y0u: hm..
fallin f0r y0u: we have very different tastes
DarkJediPete: haha
DarkJediPete: why?
DarkJediPete: well i'm a big man...ur a guard
DarkJediPete: i gotta have big man shoes
fallin f0r y0u: i think that shoe is ugly
fallin f0r y0u: haha
DarkJediPete: i cna't be wearing no t-macs stuff
fallin f0r y0u: big man shoes = big butt ugly?
DarkJediPete: yes
fallin f0r y0u: hehe ok then
DarkJediPete: if i wear like iversons or kobes....then i have to be a serious baller
DarkJediPete: if not...i can't live up to the shoe
fallin f0r y0u: lol
fallin f0r y0u: i see
fallin f0r y0u: good point

haha peter has an interesting shoe philosophy..

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

you ever get to that point in life where everything just seems like one long routine? every single day is just the same old same old. wake up, go to school, come home, go to sleep.

i find myself living monotonously, or mechanically if you will, just going through the motions of everyday life. sure, theres excitement and fun in my life. every day is filled with entertaining moments, but school is still so..boring.

whens the next step? im ready for something new.
i hope college isnt like this.

speaking of college..
you know what? its just around the corner.
Congratulations! Because of your strong record, we are notifying you now that you will be admitted to UT Austin.

Your major(s) of choice is in a highly competitive discipline, and it will take some time to read all of the applications. While we don't know if you will receive acceptance into your major of choice, you are such a strong student we want you to know that we are guaranteeing you a space in our freshman class. You can expect to hear the final word from us no later than April 1.

but..the waiting game continues..
master of the house --
quick to catch your eye;
never wants a passerby to pass him by!

servant to the poor,
butler to the great,
comforter, philosopher, and life-long mate!

hehe such a catchy tune!

Monday, February 03, 2003

tarotaro00: omg u know the strangest thing
tarotaro00: after a shower my eyes dry up.
tarotaro00: like the contacts start hurting
fallin f0r y0u: haha
fallin f0r y0u: thats not as bad as joe
tarotaro00: joe?
tarotaro00: chen?
fallin f0r y0u: no
fallin f0r y0u: joe MAMA!!

haha never mind..
this never gets old!
LeXlAnTiS: nhs 2morrow
fallin f0r y0u: ugh
fallin f0r y0u: 10 dollars
fallin f0r y0u: alright
fallin f0r y0u: i think now is a good time to quit
LeXlAnTiS: tell ur mom to pay for it
fallin f0r y0u: hm..good idea
LeXlAnTiS: tell her its so u can get a scholarship
LeXlAnTiS: duh!~
fallin f0r y0u: and then tell her its 50
LeXlAnTiS: haha loser
fallin f0r y0u: haha 50 dollars for nhs dues
fallin f0r y0u: lol
fallin f0r y0u: i dont think anyone would by that
fallin f0r y0u: not even joe
LeXlAnTiS: joe?
fallin f0r y0u: JOE MAMA!
LeXlAnTiS: har har har
fallin f0r y0u: har har har

hehe ok fine fine..maybe this thing is getting a little old.. =P
my iverson jersey arrived today!!

hehe but was a pretty normal monday..
bleh..dont you just HATE mondays?
mk..well, maybe "hate" is a bit too harsh..
dont you strongly dislike mondays?
i have an idea: "monday" should be renamed "chumpday".
i mean, think about it -- only chumps like monday, so it can be called chumpday!
what an awesome idea.

i mean..seriously now, who can honestly say that they LIKE mondays?
- the 1st day of the school week
- the 1st day after a relaxing weekend
- there is nothing on TV
- teachers spend all weekend thinking up homework assignments for monday night

o well. ill post more later.
enjoy whats left of chumpday.

Sunday, February 02, 2003

wow..busiest day EVER at work today..
but i got another paycheck for $50! yipee.
gotta work next saturday..guess im not working every sunday after all..

*sigh* is anyone else ready for summer already??

les miserables performance last night was seriously almost too good to be true..
really amazing..totally worth it.
good job people!!

bleh..what sucks is that im still feeling sick.. there anything MORE frustrating than a runny nose??
so annoying!!

anyhoo..gotta go to work in less than 2 hours, so its time for a quick nap.