hrm. ok. D time.
daniel m. - kinda lost touch with you after i quit orchestra, but i just wanna say thanks for all those rides home you gave me back in 10th grade. hehe i remember one time your mom came to pick you up, but you were at table tennis club. so i just went in the car in your place. lol. the joys of not having a car..
daniel n. - wasn't that last 6 weeks of school just great? how much money did we win combined? $300? well, im glad i got to know you a little better, and i must say you're a pretty cool guy. if peter and i really decide to set up a poker table and whatnot in our dorm next year, you know i'll give you a call. maybe you could bring your roommate too so we can have 4 people ;) take it easy man
danny g - hehe thanks again for doing my peer response. i don't know where you got that picture from, but yes, we ALL know who is gonna win that match. =P i'll always remember how you liked to tell jokes while being quarterback whenever we played football at colony bend or wherever. hehe especially last time. everytime you started talking or something, people would start yelling "HURRY UP!!!" heh but yeah, glad i got to know you better this year. g/l at UT next year, and make sure you KIT.
danny k - you have got to be one of the goofiest people i know. i would absolutely HATE to be one of your teachers. especailly mrs. spradley. you must annoy her SO much, but i can only imagine. i'll never forget your classic pose. you know, the one with your eyes shut and that gay smile on your face and both hands holding up peace signs. lol. stay insane, alrite?
david c. - azn girl scouts! yeah! haha that sure was a surprising team. me, you, richard, sam, and simon? how the heck did we win any games?? lol but yeah. it's been fun playing ball with/against you all these years. keep working on your game, though, cuz it sure needs a lot of practice =P cya around, big D.
david h. - hehe i still have that video of you in psychology class wearing that stupid blonde wig. you were asking me how you could "look sexy." and eventually, you just opened your mouth and..moaned. and then mr. rubin came over and took over your desk. haha man i loved that class! hehe anyways, i hope i see you around at UT next year. take care.
david k. - koon! hey man, what's happening? haven't seen you at church in MONTHS. where ya been?! *sigh* hope you at least decide to go to camp C this summer. but, yeah, it's been awesome getting to know you. have fun as a senior, and don't try too hard!! just make sure you join me next year at UT alrite?!
david z. - a word of advice: just because mr. michael jordan is a good basketball player does NOT mean you hafta go out and buy ALL OF HIS SHOES. ok? is that clear? cuz most of his shoes are ugly anyways!! except maybe the jordan xi and xviii. anyhoo..good luck in the UT summer program thingie you're doing, and i'll join you up there before you know it. you registered for camp c already, right?!
deborah - charles lindbergh! m&m's! haha come to think of it, humanities wasn't that bad of a class after all. i mean, making high A's while having the chance to give presentations over random stuff?! that's heaven right there =P. well, it's been cool getting to know how weird you are over the years, and im sure i still only know half the story. seriously, i STILL can not believe you sold your literature book for a pack of m&m's..with or without peanut butter doesnt really matter. *sigh* well, enjoy your summer, and have fun your senior year!
dennis - dennis dai, you are a fool. that's basically ALL i hafta say. haha im j/k, but yeah, it seems like you never really backed up any of your trash talk, but hey, it's all good. i forgive you. i mean, forreal, i know you got nothing on me, so what's the use of talking trash back to you? well, enjoy the rest of your high school career, and whatever you do, be careful if you decide to come to UT, cause if you do, i'll be waiting. and i guarantee you won't be ready. hehe take it easy.