i don't know whether to blame it on the fact that it's the end of the semester, or jsut that i'm losing my mind, but i've discovered that lately, i've been incredibly scatter-brained whenever it comes to blogging. several times in the past week i've sat down in front of the computer, ready to share with the online world something deeply philosophical or at least something worth reading, but a couple minutes into the ordeal, i lose my train of thought.
okay, i know what you're thinking. sure, some people may call this a classical case of attention deficite disorder, but i personally prefer to call it simply being scatter-brained.
so if you guys don't mind, this is one of those posts where i'm just gonna blab whatever comes to mind. please try to stick with me.
not too long ago, i watched the movie "the incredibles." if you haven't seen it yet, you need to do so ASAP. it was definitely a movie that somehow appealed to all audiences. the movie's awesome!
..which got me thinking. is it just me, or does everyone else seem to always dream about having some sort of super powers. seriously, at least half of my dreams involve me being able to fly, go invisible, or lift really heavy stuff. man, i have such awesome dreams. i guess that kinda explains why i hate waking up in the morning? yeah? maybe?
this has turned out to be a rather nice week. the weather's awesome, and i've been so productive! well, maybe not productive, but at least lucky. i no longer have to take my linguistics exam on friday!! whoo! saves about 4-6 hours of studying, i suppose. i was drowsing off in class on wednesday until i heard the words "so if you have an A, you don't have to take the test on friday." ah, music to my ears =)
i love looking back at old pictures. it's so amazing how a single moment in time can just be "captured" in a still photo, isn't it? yeah yeah, i know it's already the age of digital cameras and whatnot, but hey, it still intrigues me, okay?
and here's something else that intrigues me? why is simon so freaking lovable?
if someone asked you "what is the best feeling in the world," what would you say? i can't decide..right now it's up for grabs between "laughing until your eyes tear up and your tummy hurts" or "having someone do something really nice for you for absolutely no reason at all." i guess i'm just thankful that i'm constantly reminded of what both of those feel like.
alright that's all for now. bye bye.