since i'm too lazy to write something thought-provoking and meaningful...
jen nn mo KAKA: awh man i just slapped a fly that was on the computer screen
jen nn mo KAKA: and now its guts are everywhere
jen nn mo KAKA: did you know that flies pee whenever they land
jen nn mo KAKA:'re infested with ..dare i say..FLY PEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
jen nn mo KAKA: DUN DUN DUN
greenbeanlina: dont look now but there is someone in the closet
mok says: ...
mok says: good thing peter's closer to the closet
mok says: just in case you're telling the truth
greenbeanlina: too bad the man in the mask with the knife IS peter
greenbeanlina: RUNNNNNNNNNNN
mok says: =-O
TituS 3l5: i thought you were a fool
mok says: loser
TituS 3l5: and i was right
TituS 3l5: you are a fool
mok says: mhm
TituS 3l5: =x
mok says: it's ok
mok says: don't be bitter
TituS 3l5: uhh, hahah ok
TituS 3l5: just remember who made you ramen at 5am in teh morning =[]
mok says: hahaha
mok says: ok
mok says: i love you titus
TituS 3l5: more like it
TituS 3l5: ....
TituS 3l5: =]
mok says: too bad you're not wolverine like me
mok says: whenever i roll my ankle
mok says: it heals in 2 minutes
TituS 3l5: niice
TituS 3l5: how bout i break your legs, and well see who's wolverine then
Tony Help Me: pop 4pm turtle pond :-) come pray w/ pretty girls
Tony Help Me: i mean....God
jen nn mo KAKA: ..............................................................................................
jen nn mo KAKA: hey if you glance at that, it looks like a straight line.
jen nn mo KAKA: post-impressionism artistic style right thurrr
LeXlAnTiS: yesh
mok says: im gonna assume that was a typo
LeXlAnTiS: ish not a typo!
LeXlAnTiS: ish how i type!
mok says: shut up.
LeXlAnTiS: =)
LeXlAnTiS: tee hee hee
mok says: bEfOH i gO oVeR tHuRr aNd kIcK uR buTT
LeXlAnTiS: o crap.....he went azn on me
LeXlAnTiS: o man...hardcore