Saturday, February 28, 2004

Sentrosi2: i hate you
Sentrosi2: give me my money you hairless boy

SuN fulla FuN: hey guess what??
SuN fulla FuN: hahaha

yay for friends.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

i can't fit all the pictures on here, so if you like this little preview and want in on more of the action, click HERE.
secret operation

boingchuboing: uhhh sure
boingchuboing: but isnt it kinda late
boingchuboing: will they be able to get in?

mok says: you know where the side entrance is?
philphil789: u wanna sneak me in?
mok says: yeah
philphil789: ya
philphil789: k
mok says: you know which one im talking about?
mok says: by the jcl entrance
mok says: michael should be there too
philphil789: hehe i know
philphil789: we use dto sneak tehre b4
philphil789: trying to get titus
mok says: yeah...hes being stubborn
mok says: call me when you get there
philphil789: k

tu003: now???
mok says: yeah
tu003: lol umm -- okay?
tu003: lol where to, chief/

mok says: cmon.
sccsdar Z unm: you guys are crazy
mok says: it'll take 5 minutes
sccsdar Z unm: make titus
sccsdar Z unm: ill go if he goes

mok says: you coming?
TiTuS 3l5: man
TiTuS 3l5: wait
TiTuS 3l5: dont start yet
TiTuS 3l5: let me heat up my pizza
TiTuS 3l5: and enjoy my last meal

any idea what's going on? *mysterious music*

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

*insert laugh*

i don't know, maybe im just tired, or just a wee bit off-center right now, but reading sneha's info really made me laugh. this has gotta be way up there on the "best-lines-to-use-on-your-girlfriend" list.

A1atman: wed have such hot children
snE Ha Ha Ha: u think so?
A1atman: oh ya
A1atman: i mean im so good looking
A1atman: i could make up for you

sort of on the topic, how about a new poll? yipee! yeah, i can hear you guys cheering. anyways, i guess we all know what the last poll proved: thirsty's is better than jamba juice. i don't care what the numbers said =P

so, new poll: if/when you type "LOL," do you really Laugh Out Loud? be honest.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

clothes make the man

..or lack thereof. i wore a pink cbs remix shirt yesterday to help promote the talent show this saturday at 9 pm at the union ballroom, and i must say it was quite a success. not only did i get to tell a bunch of people about remix, but i mean, you have to admit, i totally look good in hot pink.

if you don't agree with me, you're just lying to yourself.

Monday, February 23, 2004

since i'm too lazy to write something thought-provoking and meaningful...

jen nn mo KAKA: awh man i just slapped a fly that was on the computer screen
jen nn mo KAKA: and now its guts are everywhere
jen nn mo KAKA: did you know that flies pee whenever they land
jen nn mo KAKA:'re infested with ..dare i say..FLY PEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
jen nn mo KAKA: DUN DUN DUN

greenbeanlina: dont look now but there is someone in the closet
mok says: ...
mok says: good thing peter's closer to the closet
mok says: just in case you're telling the truth
greenbeanlina: too bad the man in the mask with the knife IS peter
greenbeanlina: RUNNNNNNNNNNN
mok says: =-O

TituS 3l5: i thought you were a fool
mok says: loser
TituS 3l5: and i was right
TituS 3l5: you are a fool
mok says: mhm
TituS 3l5: =x
mok says: it's ok
mok says: don't be bitter
TituS 3l5: uhh, hahah ok
TituS 3l5: just remember who made you ramen at 5am in teh morning =[]
mok says: hahaha
mok says: ok
mok says: i love you titus
TituS 3l5: more like it
TituS 3l5: ....
TituS 3l5: =]
mok says: too bad you're not wolverine like me
mok says: whenever i roll my ankle
mok says: it heals in 2 minutes
TituS 3l5: niice
TituS 3l5: how bout i break your legs, and well see who's wolverine then

Tony Help Me: pop 4pm turtle pond :-) come pray w/ pretty girls
Tony Help Me: i mean....God

jen nn mo KAKA: ..............................................................................................
jen nn mo KAKA: hey if you glance at that, it looks like a straight line.
jen nn mo KAKA: post-impressionism artistic style right thurrr

LeXlAnTiS: yesh
mok says: im gonna assume that was a typo
LeXlAnTiS: ish not a typo!
LeXlAnTiS: ish how i type!
mok says: shut up.
LeXlAnTiS: =)
LeXlAnTiS: tee hee hee
mok says: bEfOH i gO oVeR tHuRr aNd kIcK uR buTT
LeXlAnTiS: o crap.....he went azn on me
LeXlAnTiS: o man...hardcore

Sunday, February 22, 2004

after telling johanna my computer broke down..

johanna: it's because it has to look at you all the time

but other than that, i had a pretty good day.

the jorto league champions won their first game today! yipee! thanks to everyone who came to support us.

short game summary:
we opened up the game with an 8-0 run and ended the half up by 11. met a couple of my teammates for the first time today. sat out the first 8 minutes of the second half, and the other team (sorry don't know their name again..linton's team? albert's team? simeon's team?) came all the way back to tie it at 35. after trading a couple of baskets, the score was 39-39 with 40 seconds left on the clock. i didn't know that their was a shot clock, so i was planning on just dribbling out the clock for 30 seconds before taking a shot. then the ref started counting off the "shot clock." weili was playing back on me, so i pulled up to the 3-point line and drained the 3! woot. anyhow, a bit of controversy to end the game, as a couple of players on the other team were calling for a timeout as justin raced down the court and made a layup with 1 second left. the refs called it a game, with the final score 42-41.

my line: 17 points, 7 assists, 3 rebounds, 3 steals, 2 blocks

and now it's time to do homework. i bid you farewell.