Saturday, May 01, 2004

freaky friday

i suppose i should take time out of this pet peeve series to inform you about the going-on's of my life. let's see, friday was pretty cool..

well, VERY early friday morning, i got dragged along to go to kerbey lane for some food. while the food wasn't TOO incredible, the fellowship, as usual, was. i guess it made the entire 34235890923 mile trip out there all worth it.

anyhow, woke up at 11:10 in the morning right next to gina's theater book. YES! I HAD FALLEN ASLEEP AFTER READING 3 PAGES OF THE PLAY!! but alas, no need to panic. they don't call me speed reader for nothing. skimmed through 50 pages in 30 minutes and jetted to class.

couldn't find weili or simeon or tim poon or gina or yvonne anywhere, so i found 3 empty seats and sat in the middle, thinking they might be on their way. a few seconds later, a cute girl sits down to my left. then another girl sits down to my right. i was about to say that those seats were saved, but hey, i wasn't gonna complain.

so i ace the quiz and then out of nowhere one of the girls says "have i met you somewhere?" i had this confused look on my face, and i answered, "no, i don't think so.." and then she starts talking about how i look very familiar, etc etc and it turns out that i met her at liquid a long time ago. so, long story short, it turns out that the class was the most productive one i have attended the entire semester. =P

skip forward about 6 hours, and it was time for CBS! several people shared amazing testimonies, and there was a slideshow from the zoo as well! yeah, for some reason my group was in half of the pictures, but hey, it's all good. yay for memories.

40 hours after CBS had ended, apparently everyone had gotten tired of loitering, so we rounded up the herd and headed to pho. the food was great, and of course, the fellowship was ooberific. the conversation ranged from hot black guys to singing backstreet boys. we even got song requests! haha too cool =)

the night ended with a few games of mafia back at the jester west piano lounge. it was pretty darn fun. but then again, it did open my eyes as to how many people always thought i was the killer -_- isn't it interesting how people always think guys are the killers? what a sexist game.

anyhow, have a good weekend everybody.

oh and btw, there's a new poll up top. read it yo-self!

Thursday, April 29, 2004

pet peeve #1

in hopes of my readers getting to know me better, and because recently i have had trouble coming up with creative blog topics, i am going to begin a series of posts in which i describe my greatest pet peeves. let's see how successful this venture is.

so you're all wondering, what could be mok's number one pet peeve? well, i havent really had too much time to think about it since i just came up with this idea 5 minutes ago, but i think i still have a pretty good idea of what tops my list.


now ive tolerated many annoying acts in my lifetime, but is there anything more annoying than that?! i mean, if you live on the 4th floor and it's not a busy time or anything, then okay, i suppose it's alright to take the elevator. i mean, of course, assuming you have just come back from gregory after running 20+ miles and working out for 3 hours straight. oh, and i assume you have a walking problem.

unfortunately, from what i've noticed, people taking the elevator to the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floors are all healthy people. i just don't understand their logic. are some of them really thinking, "im having a pretty good day, and hey, look! it's an elevator full of people! im sure they're already gonna stop on at least 5 floors on the way up, but they wouldn't mind stopping on the 2nd floor, right?"

i think a petition should be sent around campus concerning this issue. peter suggested that one day, all the jester elevators should be reprogrammed. anyone pushing the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floor buttons will experience an electric shock, a verbal reprimand (ie, "you shouldn't have pressed that..."), and be automatically sent to the 10th floor. wow, the more i think about it, the more i realize how good of an idea this is!

alright, you EE majors. make yourselves useful.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

you learn something new everyday..

this is what i learned this morning:

nick liao looks like a koala or papa bear from Bearenstein Bears.
lina looks like the sea turtle from Finding Nemo.
timmy looks like a pelican.
jenny looks like a sea turtle or a lizard.
titus looks like a monkey.
i look like a turtle or a dinosaur.

are the rockets going to win tonight? or am i just wasting my time watching them play yet again? sigh..
space filler

mok says: interested in kerbey lane at 2?
wahpahh: aw man
wahpahh: that sounds fun
wahpahh: i wish i wasn't sick
wahpahh: remarkably i'm still interested
wahpahh: walking?
mok says: heh yea
wahpahh: who's all going?
mok says: m...
mok says: no idea
mok says: i didn't plan it
mok says: i think we got a big group though
mok says: possibly the largest ever
mok says: record books
wahpahh: hahaha
wahpahh: wow
wahpahh: it'll be like the running of the bulls in pamplona
mok says: azn invazn
wahpahh: that's what i'm talkin bouuuuuuut

nick liao is a lighthearted fellow.

oh, and if you haven't figured out yet, i don't have anything meaningful to say today.

Monday, April 26, 2004

a promise is a promise

like i said, i would post details about the freshmen pajama party. so, here it is.

the party was postponed for about an hour because of the rockets game, but once the party started, there was no stopping it. cuz once you pop, you just can't stop! pringles!

anyways, started off with introductions, so we went around all 40 or so of us and we each said our name and the name of our future first-born child. of course, i shared with everyone that im gonna name my kids, probably starting off with the number seven. isn't that a good name? seven? yeah, thought so.

afterwards, we had an icebreaker game that condoned violence. actually, more like it encouraged violence. either way, it was fun. person in the middle would hold a pillow in a menacing manner while the people on the outside would start a name chain. the pillow-holder would try to hit the person whose name is called before that person calls out a different name. sound complicated? well, it isn't. you're just stupid =P

next we broke off into teams and, let the games begin! with fun games ranging from an eating contest to a thumb war, the entire night was filled with bouts of laughter. i guess everyone got a nice ab workout.

the last of the games was arguably the "funnest" (is it just me, or should that be a real word), with each team playing chain charades (im making this term up, i don't know the real name), where one person acts out the event to the next player, and then the last person tries to guess what's going on. yeah. good game. lots of laughs. uber fun. and many fragments. i have just typed. <-- not that one

then it was time for worship, which was just awesome. standing there in the san jac tv lounge with the rest of the freshmen class signing praises to God. wow. just too cool.

afterwards, we had a couple times for sharing praise and prayer requests. it was definitely an amazing opportunity to get to know the rest of the fish better and just bond closer as a group.

sharing came to a close at about 3 am, and then it was time for spontaneous randomness. you know, whatever you felt like doing. there was 8-player mariokart racing, swing dancing, 1-step walking, 2-step strutting, wrestling, picture-taking, pyramid-making, acapella singing, push-up doing, and overall fun having.

at 10 in the morning, the few brave souls who lasted the whole night ventured over to the kitchen next door to cook and serve breakfast. breakfast burritos! i've never tasted anything so good!

and there ya have it. the somewhat brief summary of the PJ party. if you want to see pictures, several people had cameras. eh...gina, emily, and lina just to name a few. you can find the links to their picture pages on the left-hand side of the screen.

and my prayer requests page will be updated shortly.

and i will update you on the happenings of my life on sunday as well as today shortly.

and i will eat shortly.

and i will be back longly.