Tuesday, April 01, 2008

i'd like to thank my brother..

..for making me look and feel so dang smart.

exhibit A: jason mok

Mr mmMok: um
Mr mmMok: hakeem is coming back?
mok says: shaddap

right then and there, without him having to go on, i knew exactly what was going on. he coulda just left it at this, and saved himself any further embarrassment, but no, he continued..

Mr mmMok: http://www.clutchfans.net/
mok says: do i really need to look at this
Mr mmMok: apparently yao and mutombo have been recruiting him

at this moment, i coulda joined in on the act and tried to get him all riled up and excited, but i decided to be a nice guy and just let him in on the trick.

mok says: it's april fool's man
mok says: i'm not even gonna read it
Mr mmMok: hm.
Mr mmMok: hah

so it was done. finished. he had been stumped for just a couple seconds, but now he saw the light.. right? wrong. here comes our hero.

Mr mmMok: it's confirmed by espn
Mr mmMok: http://sports.espn.clutchfans.com/nba/news/storyid-3322476/

poor kid. what's that line? "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me." yeah..

mok says: are you trying to trick me
mok says: or do you really not know
mok says: espn.clutchfans.com
mok says: you kidding me?
Mr mmMok: oh
Mr mmMok: iddn't see that
Mr mmMok: good call
Mr mmMok: you win once again
mok says: as always
mok says: clutch can't get me
Mr mmMok signed off at 5:30:45 PM.
Mr mmMok is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

in my mind, i figure this is when he gets offline to laugh at himself a little bit and just take in everything that's just happened. you know, maybe lay low for a few hours so i can't make fun of him about it. but join with me as we assess the mood behind these next few lines.

Mr mmMok signed on at 5:34:35 PM.

okay so he's back. at this point, he's contemplating whether he should IM me again.

Mr mmMok: why are you so smart

i'm thinking he's in a state of admiration for me right now. can't really blame the kid, can you? i mean i just saw through the april fool's joke that had him all tangled up without even clinking on the link.

Mr mmMok: i feel dumb

okay now he starts feeling a bit ashamed for falling for such a trick.

Mr mmMok: thanks again

i'm sensing feigned appreciation now, with a hint of sarcasm.

Mr mmMok: I HATE YOU

it quickly turns to hatred.

Mr mmMok: BYE.

dismissal and probable denial.

mok says: maybe next time rookie
Mr mmMok signed off at 5:41:22 PM.
Mr mmMok is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

and our protagonist exits stage left. i'm guessing as you are reading this, he is probably crying himself to sleep in the corner of his dorm room, but hey, i'm just a genius, not a prophet.

it's time to bring this toast to a close. i wouldn't be as confident in my intelligence without his help, so raise your glasses to mr. jason mok. i couldn't have done it without you, bro.