Saturday, December 20, 2003

just a quick recap

today I...

- was kidnapped from my house by annie. j/k we went to the mall to do some christmas shopping. ran into jon lai, emily yen, my sister, and moochie norris there.
- picked up jon-erik to go play ball at colony meadows with michael j, dennis, annie, and some high schoolers. i must say i owned up pretty badly, but then again, that's now expected, isn't it?
- picked up peter and stopped by deborah's house for some lord of the rings action. yeah, i am just about *this* close to being sick of smeagol's voice, but it's all good.
- left deborah's house and took a 5-second road trip to alex's house, where we bummed around for 30 minutes before deciding what to do.
- went with peter and alex to the family christian bookstore to check out the inventory. lotta cool stuff, especially with it being my first time there and all. didn't end up buying anything though..
- went to go eat at wendy's. enough said about that. good stuff.
- grabbed my gamecube and headed over to jeremy's house. jon-erik was driving, and i sorta told him to turn a street too early. so we're going, and then i see a street that kinda resemble jeremy's. so i stop by this house and see 3 people walking out of their cars. i recognize dale and anthony, so im like cool, found the right house! so i get out of the car with my bag of gamecube equipment and all and start walking towards the house, but then i notice that the 3 people are just staring at me. dale goes "uh..mok?" then i go "yeah?" then he goes "what are you doing here?" then i go "uh, whose house is this?" then anthony goes "it's my house.." then i go "oh. right." and start walking back to the car. then i turn around and go "so where's jeremy's house?" and anthony goes "take a right at the stop sign then the next right" then i go "thanks" and he goes "bye."
- arrived at jeremy's house and saw jeremy, timmy, brian, and nick liao already there playing pool. the other gamecube soon shows up and we hook up the 2 tvs and then its gametime. man, 8 player mariokart..TOO FUN.

so now im back home. after a day filled with laughter and confusion, im now ready to call it a night. er, day. uh...whatever.

Friday, December 19, 2003

that's why the call me double A

All Abs. wait, no. All A's! hehe sorry for the random strong bad allusion, but yes, i was just notified yesterday night that i got all A's in my first semester in college. am i happy? i suppose. but more than anything else, it feels weird. i haven't gotten all A's since 7th grade..

..but anyways, i guess all that studying during finals week really did pay off. =)

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Mario Kart madness

anyone ever up for 8-player mariokart on gamecube, just let me know, cuz ben and i can now set it up. hehehe fun stuff. hm, whats up with these puny blog posts?

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Lord of the Rings

wow. that thing was a monster of a movie. 3 1/2 hours. talk about insanity. i don't even wanna start THINKING about the extended version. that is all for now. goodbye.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

i got me a xanga!

no, im not gonna update there very often.

actually, scratch that. im not gonna update there AT ALL. im just using xanga in the best way that i know of: to direct you to my blog.

oh, and also so i can comment on people's xangas if i ever get the inclination to.

Monday, December 15, 2003

reality check

im constantly pinching myself, wondering if it's really true. have i really just completed my first semester in college? is it possible?

well, either way, i don't remember the last time that i was *this* happy. i don't know, maybe it's the after effects of finals week taking control of my body. maybe it's the excitement from having an entire month off for christmas break. or, maybe it's the simple realization that God is good all the time. (and all the time God is good)

confused? i mean, yes, i have been a Christian for over 10 years, and it is JUST NOW that i realize this? no, of course not. well, technically, maybe. sure, i've regurgitated bible verses since the days when i still carried a lunch box to school, verses speaking of the awesomeness of God's grace, mercy, and love.

but recently, i'd say for the most part of this semester, many times i've felt overburdened by each aspect of life. school, relationships, friendships, family, everything that makes up this drama we call life. don't get me wrong, i haven't been miserable for the past 4 months or anything, but there's just been a part of me that felt trapped. trapped with seemingly no way out, so even as i would go through the daily routines of life, there was always this one part of me that was gnawing away at my spirit. i finally figured out what it was.

surrender. it's such a powerful word, isn't it? since camp, i've tried to "surrender all" to God on a daily basis, but only now do i realize that it truly takes time to be able to do such a thing. it's so easy to take things into your own hands because oftentimes we feel as it is in OUR hands where we have the most control of the situation. heck, society brought us up to think like that.

but the funny thing is, we're not supposed to be in control. God is. God and ONLY God is big enough to handle all of our everday problems. when we try to conquer life on our own, we're left feeling overwhelmed and often disappointed. it's when we realize that it's not about us that we are truly free.

everyday is God's day -- when will YOU realize this?

My God
- Point of Grace

All my life you have been with me
How could I pretend not to see
I was walking on the line
I was wasting precious time
All I know is that you love me
If I call you will set me free
It's a promise that you made
It's the truth that will not change
Please help me to remember

My God has never let me down
My God has turned my world around
He loves me even though I know I don't deserve him
My God has never turned away
He's with me every single day
He's broken all the chains and set this captive free

Seems to you all your hope is gone
Never found a love that strong
It's a chance you have to take
A choice you've got to make
I hope that you' remember

Sunday, December 14, 2003

randomness everywhere wowzA!!

im just gonna warn you guys now. im a little out of it at the moment, so..wait. scratch that. im REALLY out of it right now. haven't slept in about 36 hours? so bear with me as my mind unwinds..

finals week. the stress was unbelievable. the workload was unbearable. and yes, the lack of sleep was..enjoyable? wait no! well, yeah. i guess? 4 finals in 4 days = 2 all-nighters. wow. and it only took me one semester to figure that out. but it's all good, cuz i haven't gotten a B yet! *knocking on wood..haha but in all seriousness, i was quite worried about the status of my grades, since 1/2 of my classes were borderline A's and B's and i need at least a 3.5 gpa..but now that i don't have to worry about THAT anymore..*DEEP SIGH* huge thanks to everyone who spent just a few minutes praying for everyone's finals :)

so im home now. thanks again emily for the ride home! haha i think i may have conked out in the car for about 30 minutes at a time, all the way home. so we pull up to my street, point at my house, and notice 32895930298 cars parked in front of it. partAY? hahaha yes. this party was off da hizzle fo shizzle. i mean, off da hook! nono, off da CHAIN! hahaha maybe not, but it sure was a nice potluck dinner.

i walked through the front door, and the first person i see is jean EE.

me: hi jean EE!
jeen EE: oh, jonathan! i like your hair! you look very handsome!
me: uh...thanks!

yes, that was quite interesting. haha that was actually the LAST thing i expected anyone to say to me. (by that, of course, i mean the "i like your hair" part. not the "you look very handsome" part, b/c as we all know, that's just a given) =P

anyways, had an awesome time just chilling and talking with jon lai and mandy. it never ceases to amaze me how awesome mandy's attitude is. i mean, forreal. i have never seen her without a smile on her face. :)

lala so jon lai and i decide to go watch matrix revolutions. however the weight of my head was still too heavy for my liking, so i set up a haircut appointment real quick, and before he even knows what hit him, jon lai is driving me there.

decision day. or, night. er whatever. so what to do with my hair..i finally decided i wanted to go for the "Hong Kong look." you guys know what im talking about, right? you know, that hair style where you do something with it, but it doesnt look like it? like, it's obvious you did SOMETHING to your hair, but then, it's just running wild and spiking in every direction? ok. does ANYBODY know what im talking about?? cuz mrs. teng sure didn't...

mrs. teng: so how do you want me to cut it?
me: hm. i want the "Hong Kong look"
mrs. teng: ...what's the hong kong look?
me: running wildly, unevenly, but still looking good?
mrs. teng: *confused look* vincent! come over here!
(mrs. teng's son shows up. he also has a confused look on his face)
mrs. teng: *grabbing son's hair* you want it like this?
me: um..not really. i want..ah, never mind. just shave the sides and trim the top a bit.
mrs. teng: bring a picture next time!

haha ok. so next time, say, about 2-3 weeks? remind me to find a picture of this hong kong look that im talking about. *sigh maybe i should just bring her a picture of vaness from know. just to see her reaction. haha or maybe jay chou would do the trick.

after haircut was matrix time. and for all you "matrix-revolutions-haters" out there, you guys be trippin'. i mean, forreal. don't hate. that was a good movie. i would use the word "awesome" to describe it, except the ending was absolutely disappointing. and also, sorry, but someone's got to say it. that little girl in that movie can not act. at all. i should have gotten her role. i can be just as cute, AND i can act. ;)

so all in all, i had a nice date with jonathan lai. *blushes i think i may actually be falling for him.

JUST KIDDING. *sigh im gonna regret writing this entry later on, aren't i? ah well. good night! church tomorrow! and then ball! WOW A WHOLE MONTH OFF OF SCHOOL!! =)