Saturday, October 12, 2002

ack..took the math IIC sat 2 today..
*sigh* think i got another 730..what a waste of time and money.

on a lighter note, HC tonight!

but then again, i gotta do hw now..
too much stuff goin on..
im losing it!!

Friday, October 11, 2002

kinda amusing at times..:

"When a kid from Illinois spells "sortileger" (someone who tells fortunes), the judges use instant replay to make sure he spelled it correctly (nope). For God's sake, even the Spelling Bee instituted instant replay before the NBA did. Unbelievable."
- KATIE: "About 10 million students start in local spelling bees, now we're down to the best 19 in the country."
-- CHRIS: "How much work do they put out on a daily basis?"
-- KATIE: "At this point? Almost all day."
(Note to self: Don't push kids toward spelling bees.)
Reason No. 35 Why I Love Spelling Bees: when one of the kids nails a word, then skips back to the seating section and pulls the "I didn't know it!" routine with one of the other competitors, as braces fly everywhere. Just a little Spelling Bee bonding.

present and future parents: remember, spelling is NOT a sport. so please, for the love of God, don't get your kids involved in any sort of contest where one's knowledge of grammar is tested.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

today in discipleship, alex wrote "d-ship" on a dry erase board in a strange font..

jeremy: man, that "D" looks like the "G" in disney.
alex: there is no "G" in disney!!
jeremy: danget!


Wednesday, October 09, 2002

thanks everyone for the cards and gifts!!
love all you guys!! (guys as in guys and girls)

ah..this has been an AWESOME birthday!!
got a digital camera yesterday!!
a canon powershot S200!!

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

MegamiMeiko: Happy birthday to you
MegamiMeiko: happy birthday to yoooouu
MegamiMeiko: You look like a moneky
MegamiMeiko: yet they still piss on YOUUUUUU
162 punches today..


I don't want this responsibility
And don't use me because I don't agree

Why lie, do or die
Why lie, do or

Responsibility, What's that?
Responsibility, not quite yet?
Responsibility, What's that?
I don't want to think about I, we'd be better off without it

You think I'm so simplistic
I'm onto you and your tricks

Responsibility, What's that?
Responsibility, not quite yet?
Responsibility, What's that?
I don't want to think about I, we'd be better off without it

I'm still young and I'd like to stay that way
'Cause growing up won't make everything okay
I'm still young and I'd like to stay that way
I've got a voice and I've got a lot to say
I've got a lot to say

Responsibility, What's that?
Responsibility, not quite yet?
Responsibility, What's that?
I don't want to think about I, we'd be better off without it

- Mxpx


Monday, October 07, 2002

DarkJediPete: hmm tomorrow is your b-day eh? ;-)
fallin f0r y0u: ah crap..
fallin f0r y0u: i can already feel the pain
DarkJediPete: love hurts ;-)
fallin f0r y0u: *ouch*

s c o t t y 427: too bad they don't make fingersleeves for the arm...prepare for a beatdown tomorrow
fallin f0r y0u: danget

hm..should i wear 2935872 layers of clothing tomorrow, pads over my arms, or just not attend school tomorrow?

Sunday, October 06, 2002

aside from the 4 mugs that i have received for my birthday (maybe i should stop saying "like a mug!" so much)..
this is the strangest present that i have received..

thanks sheree and yvonne..
stRyder514: happppppy bday
fallin f0r y0u: almost
stRyder514: hmm i've been soaking my knuckles in hot water so they will be able to hit you harder but not feel as numb
fallin f0r y0u: ...

something tells me i shouldn't go to school on tuesday..